Collocations with Go, Collocation of Go List

Collocations with Go, Collocation of Go List

The word “collocations” comes as a foreign word in grammar. But generally, many people use many collocations in their daily life, even if they do not know the name. Collocations is a word meaning are words used in stereotypes. The link established between this group of words may not sound the same when replaced with another word. This is why this group of words is named collocations. Collocations can express an emotion, a situation, an event, or an action. Apart from the collocations that we are used to daily, listening and reading are necessary to learn collocations.

Here are +450 Common Collocation Words List

Collocations With GO
go homego downtown
go abroadgo North
go Southgo party
go cinemago bank
go a hikego a drink
go a coffeego a meal
go a restgo a nap
go a ridego a drive
go a swimgo a walk
go a rungo doctor’s
go mountainsgo beach
go lakego port
go airportgo supermarket
go a safarigo an adventure
go a cruisego a trip
go holidaygo meeting
go conferencego gig
go concertgo Asia
go Europego prison
go universitygo college