Another Words

Another word for Greedy, What is another word Greedy

Another word for Greedy, What is another word Greedy

Word; Greedy

Meaning; grasping, rapacious, voracious, insatiable

Another Words For Greedy

  • grasping
  • rapacious
  • voracious
  • insatiable
  • covetous
  • ambitious
  • avid
  • passionate
  • competitive
  • gourmand
  • glutton
  • gluttonous
  • ravenous
  • enthusiastic
  • eager
  • keen
  • anxious

Opposite Words For Greedy

  • fairness
  • equability
  • sangfroid
  • modest
  • modesty
  • unpretentious
  • humble
  • poise
  • restraint
  • equanimity
  • unobtrusive
  • unassuming
  • moderateness
  • justice
  • decency
  • temperance
  • continence
  • mildness
  • demureness
  • small
  • temperateness

Here are 800 Another Words List;

Synonym Words List – A
abandon – desert
abbreviate – shorten
ability – aptitude
able – qualified
above – overhead
abundant – ample

Another Words List – B
ban – prohibit
barren – unproductive
bashful – shy
beautiful – pretty,
broad – wide,expansive

Synonym Words List – C
calm – quiet
capture – arrest
care – concern
careful – watchful
cease – stop,
certain – positive
charming – enchanting

Synonym Words List – D
dally – linger
damage – hurt
dangerous – perilous
daring – bold
decay – rot

Synonym Words List – E
early – beforetime
easy – simple
eccentric – unusual
exquisite – delightful

Synonym Words List – F
fabulous – marvelous
face – confront
fair – honest
full – packed

Synonym Words List – G
gain – acquire
gallant – chivalrous
gather – accumulate
gaudy – showy
gaunt – scrawny

Synonym Words List – H
handy – useful
hard – firm
hate – loathe
help – aid
high – lofty

Synonym Words List – I
identical – alike
idle – inactive
ignorant – uninformed
immaculate – pure

Synonym Words List – J,K,L
jolly – merry
jubilant – overjoyed
keep – save
lure – attract
luxurious – extravagant

Synonym Words List – M
magnify – expand
mandatory – required
maneuver – manipulate
maximum – greatest

Synonym Words List – N
naughty – wrong
neat – clean
negligent – derelict
nervous – flustered
neutral – impartial
new – unused
nice – pleasing

Synonym Words List – P
painstaking – precise
passive – compliant
past – former
patience – tolerance
peculiar – weird

Synonym Words List – Q,R
qualified – competent
question – interrogate
quiet – silent
quit – cease
racket – noise

Synonym Words List – S
sad – unhappy
same – alike
savage – uncivilized
stop – quit
strenuous – vigorous

Synonym Words List – T
tall – high
tangible – concrete
taut – tense,tight,stiff
trivial – insignificant

Synonym Words List – U,V
unbiased – impartial
upset – perturb,ruffle
vulgar – offensive,uncouth

Synonym Words List – W
wealth – riches,prosperity
weary – tired,fatigued
wholehearted – earnest
wild – uncivilized

Synonym Words List – Y,Z
yield – produce
zenith – peak,pinnacle


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