Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns List Starting With R

Collective Nouns List Starting With R

The group names that contain more than one subject or article in grammar are called “Collective Nouns”. The contents of these collective nouns can be people, animals, things, and so on. There is a large number of cases within the specified community. There are generally known examples of collective nouns. Collective nouns can be created within a rule.

  • raffle of turkeys
  • raft of alligators
  • raft of coots
  • raft of widgeon
  • rafter of turkeys
  • rag of colts
  • rainbow of butterflies
  • rake of colts
  • rake of mules
  • rangale of deer
  • range of mountains
  • rayful of knaves
  • rhumba of rattlesnakes
  • richesse of martens
  • ring of keys
  • roll of coins
  • romp of otters
  • rookery of penguins
  • rookery of seals
  • rope of pearls
  • rouleau of coins
  • rouleau of money
  • round of drinks
  • rout of knights
  • rout of wolves
  • route of wolves
  • royalty of princesses
  • rumble of artillery
  • rumpus of baboons
  • run of fish
  • run of hens
  • run of poultry
  • run of salmon
  • run of whales
  • rump roast of nouns
  • rush of pochards

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