Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns List Starting With S

Collective Nouns List Starting With S

The group names that contain more than one subject or article in grammar are called “Collective Nouns”. The contents of these collective nouns can be people, animals, things, and so on. There is a large number of cases within the specified community. There are generally known examples of collective nouns. Collective nouns can be created within a rule.

  • school of fish
  • school of porpoises
  • school of salmon
  • school of shark
  • school of sharks
  • school of whales
  • scold of jays
  • scorn of camels
  • scourge of mosquitoes
  • screech of gulls
  • scurry of squirrels
  • sea of bishops
  • sect of worshippers
  • sedge of bitterns
  • sedge of cranes
  • sedge of herons
  • sequitur of logicians
  • serving of spoons
  • set of bowls
  • set of utencils
  • set of golf clubs
  • set of sails
  • setting of eggs
  • shitload of stuff
  • shoal of bass
  • shoal of fish
  • shoal of herrings
  • shoal of pilchards
  • shoal of salmon
  • shower of bastards
  • shrewdness of apes
  • shuffle of bureaucrats
  • siege of bitterns
  • siege of cranes
  • siege of herons
  • skein of goslings
  • skein of silk
  • skirl of bagpipes
  • skulk of foxes
  • skulk of friars
  • slate of candidates
  • sleuth of bears
  • slew of homework
  • slither of snakes
  • sloth of bears
  • smack of jellyfish
  • snarl of leopards
  • snatch of pickpockets
  • sneak of weasels
  • sord of mallards
  • sounder of swine
  • soviet of ants
  • sowse of lions
  • span of mules
  • span of oxen
  • spawn of umbrellas
  • spinney of trees
  • spring of teals
  • sprinkle of hoses
  • squad of players
  • squad of soldiers
  • squadron of aeroplanes
  • stable of horses
  • staff of employees
  • staff of servants
  • stalk of foresters
  • stand of arms
  • stand of flamingo
  • stand of plovers
  • stand of trees
  • staple of zines
  • stare of owls
  • state of princes
  • storytelling of crows
  • storytelling of ravens
  • storytelling of rooks
  • streak of tigers
  • stream of minnows
  • string of ducks
  • string of pearls
  • string of ponies
  • stud of mares
  • suite of rooms
  • superfluity of nuns
  • sute of mallards
  • swarm of eels
  • swarm of flies
  • swarm of gnats
  • swarm of insects
  • swarm of rats
  • swirl of paisleys
  • stage of actors

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