Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns List Starting With C

Collective Nouns Starting With C

The group names that contain more than one subject or article in grammar are called “Collective Nouns”. The contents of these collective nouns can be people, animals, things, and so on. There is a large number of cases within the specified community. There are generally known examples of collective nouns. Collective nouns can be created within a rule.

cast of actors
cast of falcons
cast of hawks
caste of flower-pots
catch of collective nouns
cavalcade of horsemen
celebration of polar bears
cete of badgers
chain of bobolinks
chain of events
chain of islands
chain of matches
charm of finches
charm of fairies
charm of goldfinches
charm of hummingbirds
chatter of budgerigars
chattering of chicks
chattering of choughs
chattering of goldfinches
chest of drawers
chine of polecats
choir of angels
chorus of angels
circus of puffins
clamour of rooks
clan of hyenas
cloud of gnats
cloud of grasshoppers
cloud of sea fowl
clowder of cats
cluck of chickens
clump of reeds
clump of trees
cluster of bombs
cluster of cats
cluster of computers
cluster of grapes
cluster of grasshoppers
cluster of spiders
cluster of stars
clutch of chicks
clutch of eggs
clutch of motorcyclists
clutter of cats
clutter of spiders
clutter of starlings
coalition of cheetahs
codex of classicists
coil of wigeon
colony of ants
colony of badgers
colony of rats
colony of seals
colony of vultures
commonwealth of bees
communion of saints
community of people
company of actors
company of moles
company of parrots
company of soldiers
company of wigeon
confab of doctors
conflagration of arsonists
confraternity of smokers
confusion of architects
congregation of alligators
congregation of birds
congregation of crocodiles
congregation of people
congregation of plovers
congregation of worshippers
congress of baboons
congress of Esperantists
conspiracy of ravens
constellation of stars
constellation of Esperantists
converting of preachers
convocation of eagles
convocation of clergy
convoy of lorries
convoy of trucks
copse of trees
cornucopia of slugs
corps of giraffes
cortege of mourners
cost of managers
cote of doves
coterie of prairie dogs
coven of witches
cover of coots
covert of coots
covey of grouse
covey of partridges
crash of seals
creche of penguins
crew of sailors
crowd of onlookers
crowd of people
cry of dogs
cry of hounds
culture of bacteria


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