Declarative Sentences

What is Declarative Sentence? Expression and Declarative Sentences Examples

What is Declarative Sentence? Expression and Declarative Sentences Examples

Declarative Sentence

Declarative sentences are the type of sentences used to explain or state something. Such sentences are especially preferred in English. Such sentences are preferred to explain a situation that you want the reader to know. It makes communication simpler and easier as a statement is often used to explain something. In daily life English, declarative sentences will be the most correct use when sharing thoughts and things that people want to know. Declarative sentences, which sometimes appear with plain simple sentence structure, always end with a dot. Like other sentence types, it needs a subject and a predicate.

Declarative Sentence Types

Declarative sentences are written using the present tense. The most basic examples that can be encountered as simple or compound sentences are:

  • He is swimming.
  • He is reading a book.
  • I like climbing.
  • Dan is upset.
  • My cat is white.
  • Dogs are cute
  • He is six years old.
  • The sky is blue.
  • He loves hamburgers.
  • The car is white.
  • Ice cream is cold.

Compound declarative sentences connect two sentences. These sentences are sometimes connected with a conjunction, comma, or semicolon. Examples of compound declarative sentences are:

  • He wanted to play football but his mother wouldn’t let him.
  • Sam loved the beach but hated the sea.
  • She reads and accompanies him.
  • He had to catch the next flight; He quickly gathered his bag.
  • The house has a new roof; However, the roof is still leaking.
  • It had snowed for days; The city was covered in snow.

It is not difficult to construct declarative sentences. Declarative sentences can be used easily after knowing how they are and how to use them. There are many declarative sentences in English, from simple to complex. General examples after declarative sentences formed in basic and compound structures are as follows:

  • He’s going out of town tomorrow morning; The house would be so empty without him.
  • The weather is warm and sunny; A perfect day to go to the sea.
  • Black nail polish is on.
  • The room smells bad.
  • I love my dog.
  • My family is going to their summer house for a long weekend and I meet them there.
  • He is my new classmate.
  • His shoes were brand new and are now missing.
  • The dog chased the cat.
  • Mary is sick; That’s why he’s not at school today.
  • He likes trips; hates long travel.
  • My new dress is beautiful.
  • My brother likes to run but my sister prefers to stay at home.
  • I do not have a phone.

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