
100 Examples of Homophones Word List

100 Examples of Homophones Word List

There are words in English that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. These words are called “Homophones”. It is easier to spot in a post. The homophone word used in the conversation can instantly confuse and ponder the meaning of the sentence. Since knowing Homophone words increases vocabulary knowledge, it improves speaking and writing skills. Words written in English are not always read in the same way. The pronunciation of the word is not as it is written. For this reason, homophone words may emerge.

  1. adduce – educe
  2. aid – aide
  3. air – heir – err
  4. altogether – all together
  5. ax – acts
  6. aye – eye – i
  7. barred – bard
  8. bate – bait
  9. bawl – ball
  10. bee – be
  11. bouillon – bullion
  12. braise – brays
  13. brake – break
  14. build – billed
  15. burger – burgher
  16. cache – cash
  17. cedar – seeder
  18. cereal – serial
  19. ceres – series
  20. choose – chews
  21. clack – claque
  22. clique – click
  23. coat – cote
  24. cygnet – signet
  25. disburse – disperse
  26. eight – ate
  27. exercise – exorcise
  28. eye – i – aye
  29. fir – fur
  30. flair – flare
  31. flow – floe
  32. flu – flue – flew
  33. flyer – flier
  34. foaled – fold
  35. foregone – forgone
  1. gel – jell
  2. grater – greater
  3. hale – hail
  4. hew – hue – hugh
  5. hoarse – horse
  6. hose – hoes
  7. hue – hugh – hew
  8. i – aye – eye
  9. innocence – innocents
  10. it’s – its
  11. jam – jamb
  12. lax – lacks
  13. lay – lei
  14. lead – led
  15. lessen – lesson
  16. locks – lox – lochs
  17. lode – lowed – load
  18. lowed – load – lode
  19. lyre – liar – lier
  20. made – maid
  21. manner – manor
  22. might – mite
  23. mite – might
  24. mourning – morning
  25. mousse – moose
  26. muscle – mussel
  27. nave – knave
  28. nose – knows
  29. pain – pane
  30. patience – patients
  31. pedal – peddle – petal
  32. per – purr
  33. pi – pie
  34. plum – plumb
  35. prints – prince
  1. pugh – pew
  2. rapper – wrapper
  3. right – rite – write
  4. rode – rowed – road
  5. rote – wrote
  6. russell – rustle
  7. seam – seem
  8. seeder – cedar
  9. serial – cereal
  10. session – cession
  11. shoo – shoe
  12. slue – slough – slew
  13. spade – spayed
  14. straightened – straitened
  15. swayed – suede
  16. sync – sink
  17. team – teem
  18. they’re – their – there
  19. tic – tick
  20. tort – torte
  21. tucks – tux
  22. wails – wales – whales
  23. warn – worn
  24. wears – wares – where’s
  25. weather – whether
  26. weight – wait
  27. wet – whet
  28. woe – whoa
  29. write – right – rite
  30. yule – you’ll

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