
Homophone Word List Starting With L

Homophone Word List Starting With L

There are words in English that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. These words are called “Homophones”. It is easier to spot in a post. The homophone word used in the conversation can instantly confuse and ponder the meaning of the sentence. Since knowing Homophone words increases vocabulary knowledge, it improves speaking and writing skills. Words written in English are not always read in the same way. The pronunciation of the word is not as it is written. For this reason, homophone words may emerge.

lacks – lax

ladder – latter

lade – laid

lain – lane

lama – llama

lane – lain

lapps – laps – lapse

latter – ladder

lax – lacks

lay – lei

lays – laze – leis

lea – lee

leach – leech

lead – led

leak – leek

lean – lien

leased – least

led – lead

lee – lea

leech – leach

leek – leak

lei – lay

leis – lays – laze

lends – lens

lessen – lesson

knight – night

lets – let’s

levee – levy

liar – lier – lyre

lichen – liken

lie – lye

lien – lean

lier – lyre – liar

lieu – lou

liken – lichen

links – lynx

literal – littoral

llama – lama

lo – low

load – lode – lowed

loan – lone

loath – loathe

loch – lock

lochs – locks – lox

lock – loch

locks – lox – lochs

lode – lowed – load

lone – loan

loot – lute

lou – lieu

low – lo

lowed – load – lode

lox – lochs – locks

lumbar – lumber

lute – loot

lye – lie

lynx – links

lyre – liar – lier


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