
Homophone Word List Starting With N

Homophone Word List Starting With N

There are words in English that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. These words are called “Homophones”. It is easier to spot in a post. The homophone word used in the conversation can instantly confuse and ponder the meaning of the sentence. Since knowing Homophone words increases vocabulary knowledge, it improves speaking and writing skills. Words written in English are not always read in the same way. The pronunciation of the word is not as it is written. For this reason, homophone words may emerge.

nap – knap

naval – navel

nave – knave

navel – naval

nay – neigh

need – knead – kneed

neigh – nay

new – gnu – knew

nice – gneiss

nice – niece

nickers – knickers

niece – nice

night – knight

nit – knit

no – know

nock – knock

nome – gnome

none – nun

nose – knows

not – knot

nun – none


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