
Homophone Word List Starting With S

Homophone Word List Starting With S

There are words in English that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. These words are called “Homophones”. It is easier to spot in a post. The homophone word used in the conversation can instantly confuse and ponder the meaning of the sentence. Since knowing Homophone words increases vocabulary knowledge, it improves speaking and writing skills. Words written in English are not always read in the same way. The pronunciation of the word is not as it is written. For this reason, homophone words may emerge.

sac – sack

sachet – sashay

sack – sac

sacks – sax

sail – sale

sane – seine

sari – sorry

sashay – sachet

saver – savor

sax – sacks

scene – seen

scent – sent – cent

scents – sense – cents

scull – skull

sea – see

sealing – ceiling

seam – seem

sear – seer – sere

seas – sees – seize

see – sea

seed – cede

seeder – cedar

seem – seam

seen – scene

seer – sere – sear

sees – seize – seas

seine – sane

seize – seas – sees

sell – cell

seller – cellar

sense – cents – scents

sensor – censor

sent – cent – scent

sere – sear – seer

serf – surf

serge – surge

serial – cereal

series – ceres

session – cession

sew – so – sow

shear – sheer

sheik – chic

shoe – shoo

shofar – chauffeur

shone – shown

shoo – shoe

shoot – chute

shown – shone

sic – sick

side – sighed

sided – sighted – cited

sighed – side

sighs – size

sight – site – cite

sighted – cited – sided

signet – cygnet

sink – sync

sioux – sue

site – cite – sight

size – sighs

skull – scull

slay – sleigh

sleight – slight

slew – slue – slough

slight – sleight

sloe – slow

slough – slew – slue

slow – sloe

slue – slough – slew

so – sow – sew

soar – sore

soared – sword

sold – soled

sole – soul

soled – sold

some – sum

son – sun

soot – suit

sore – soar

sorry – sari

soul – sole

sow – sew – so

spade – spayed

staid – stayed

stair – stare

stake – steak

stare – stair

stationary – stationery

stayed – staid

steak – stake

steal – steel

step – steppe

stile – style

straight – strait

straightened – straitened

style – stile

sue – sioux

suede – swayed

suit – soot

suite – sweet

sum – some

summary – summery

sun – son

sundae – sunday

surf – serf

surge – serge

swayed – suede

sweet – suite

sword – soared

symbol – cymbal

sync – sink


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