
Homophone Word List Starting With W

Homophone Word List Starting With U and W

There are words in English that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. These words are called “Homophones”. It is easier to spot in a post. The homophone word used in the conversation can instantly confuse and ponder the meaning of the sentence. Since knowing Homophone words increases vocabulary knowledge, it improves speaking and writing skills. Words written in English are not always read in the same way. The pronunciation of the word is not as it is written. For this reason, homophone words may emerge.

wade – weighed

wader – waiter

wail – whale – wale

wails – wales – whales

wain – wane – wayne

waist – waste

wait – weight

waiter – wader

waive – wave

wale – wail – whale

wales – whales – wails

walk – wok

wane – wayne – wain

want – wont

war – wore

ware – wear – where

wares – where’s – wears

warn – worn

waste – waist

wave – waive

wax – whacks

way – weigh – whey

wayne – wain – wane

ways – weighs

we – wee

we’ll – wheel

weak – week

wear – where – ware

wears – wares – where’s

weather – whether – wether

weave – we’ve

we’d – weed

whether – wether – weather

whey – way – weigh

which – witch

while – wile

whine – wine

whined – wind – wined

whir – were

whirled – whorled – world

whirred – word

whoa – woe

whole – hole

wholly – holey – holy

whoop – hoop

wee – we

weed – we’d

week – weak

weigh – whey – way

weighed – wade

weighs – ways

weight – wait

we’ll – wheel

were – whir

wet – whet

wether – weather – whether

we’ve – weave

whacks – wax

whale – wale – wail

whales – wails – wales

wheel – we’ll

where – ware – wear

where’s – wears – wares

whet – wet

whorled – world – whirled

who’s – whose

wile – while

wind – wined – whined

wine – whine

wined – whined – wind

witch – which

woe – whoa

wok – walk

won – one

wont – want

wood – would

word – whirred

wore – war

world – whirled – whorled

worn – warn

would – wood

wrack – rack

wrap – rap

wrapped – rapped – rapt

wrapper – rapper

wreak – reek

wrest – rest

wretch – retch

wring – ring

write – right – rite

wrote – rote

wrung – rung

wry – rye


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