
What are Homophones? 1000 Homophone Word List

What are Homophones? 1000 Homophone Word List

What are Homophones?

There are words in English that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. These words are called “Homophones”. It is easier to spot in a post. The homophone word used in the conversation can instantly confuse and ponder the meaning of the sentence. Since knowing Homophone words increases vocabulary knowledge, it improves speaking and writing skills. Words written in English are not always read in the same way. The pronunciation of the word is not as it is written. For this reason, homophone words may emerge. There are many examples of homophone words that read the same but have different spelling.


It took them a long time to get here.

I can hear the sound of the guitar coming from far away.


Every report I write takes too much time.

She thinks she’s doing everything right.

  • OUR – HOUR

All the items here are our belongings.

We should have finished all the work by this hour.

  • TO – TOO – TWO

You too know all the facts.

You should go to school.

Two little kittens have come to our garden.

  • FOUR – FOR

I did everything you see for you.

Since there was no elevator, I climbed four floors up the stairs.


Eight packages were brought here.

I ate all the food in the kitchen.

  • BY – BYE – BUY

I was invited to the party by an employee at work.

See you soon, bye!

I buy all the desserts in the pastry shop.


  • I – EYE

I did it all in a very short time.

I have a very uncomfortable feeling in my eye.


I do not like meat food very much.

I want to go to other countries and meet other people.

Special use of Homophone Words

Homophone words are sometimes used on purpose. Funny or surprising phrases can be created by using rhymes and word games. In these cases, homophones are used deliberately. Especially in poems and songs beautiful rhyme can be captured with the words homophone.

  • Word game can be made while ranking 7, 8, 9.

-7 ate 9.

  • Comes here, hears

Homophone words are used interchangeably in word jokes. This way funny situations arise. When writing song lyrics and poetry, homophone words are used in phrases in succession. In this way, the sentences are compatible with each other.

1000 Examples of Homophones Word List


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