
Ielts Writing Task 1 Vocabulary

Ielts Writing Task 1 Vocabulary

1. augustinian

2. ingraft

3. inoffensive

4. census

5. renaissance

6. vendor

7. outlive

8. distiller

9. emphatic

10. generic

11. obstinacy

12. territorial

13. alderman

14. objector

15. clemency

16. privateer

17. belay

18. mockery

19. compensate

20. salutation

21. prominence

22. elocution

23. grantee

24. mnemonics

25. bureaucracy

26. pantheism

27. delusion

28. preempt

29. consolidate

30. misbehave

31. competence

32. botany

33. barometer

34. mawkish

35. stature

36. orthodox

37. keepsake

38. hypotenuse

39. insidious

40. wizen

41. precision

42. nectarine

43. trenchant

44. muddle

45. deign

46. moonbeam

47. seclusio

48. crevice

49. affectation

50. grandiose

51. abominable

52. linguist

53. monopoly

54. aggravation

55. declamatory

56. involution

57. voluptuous

58. despond

59. paragon

60. inkling

61. coercion

62. icily

63. protrusion

64. disburse

65. audition

66. centimeter

67. miscreant

68. felicity

69. phonic

70. assets

71. atrocious

72. utilitarianism

73. corporal

74. regnant

75. ostracize

76. pretext

77. citadel

78. tiresome

79. syndicate

80. abase

81. usurious

82. malign

83. photometry

84. misunderstand

85. consign

86. syneresis

87. noxious

88. violoncello

89. countryman

90. venom

91. gregarious

92. virulent

93. contagious

94. invaluable

95. et cetera lati

96. discolor

97. prevalent

98. archetype

99. counterpart

100. abrupt

101. prolix

102. waif

103. apostate

104. realism

105. imbroglio

106. eventual

107. primeval

108. abidance

109. abet

110. contrivance

111. ulterior

112. abrade

113. anglophobia

114. underrate

115. paradox

116. wretchedness

117. syllabus

118. transfusion

119. aggravate

120. muffle

121. spinster

122. undermine

123. addle

124. enervate

125. minimize

126. abscond

127. reassure

128. accuse

129. gigantic

130. quintessence

131. freethinker

132. memorable

133. permeate

134. extensive

135. clairvoyance

136. countercharge

137. savor

138. overleap

139. demagogue

140. participate

141. crustacean

142. diversity

143. unbiased

144. acme

145. dedication

146. racy

147. misty

148. insufficiency

149. translucent

150. referable

151. absence

152. frivolous

153. trajectory

154. troublesome

155. sinus

156. opaque

157. rondo

158. endemic

159. symphonious

160. resplendent

161. exonerate

162. lawgiver

163. perforate

164. intercede

165. triumvir

166. divertible

167. sardonic

168. posit

169. reconstruct

170. bungle

171. caricature

172. exemplary

173. theocrasy

174. beneficiary

175. doubly

176. intemperance

177. inactive

178. illimitable

179. louse

180. canine

181. masquerade

182. miter

183. dissentient

184. innovate

185. bosom

186. clothier

187. disparage

188. iridescent

189. cabinet

190. poetics

191. opportune

192. vindicatory

193. inundate

194. quibble

195. ineffable

196. tortious

197. immature

198. bailiff

199. skepticism

200. magnanimous

201. pedigree

202. gauge

203. concord

204. brokerage

205. comprehensible

206. pupilage

207. ludicrous

208. apathy

209. prickle

210. referee

211. expand

212. juncture

213. purloin

214. picayune

215. orthopedic

216. exuberant

217. sequent

218. deprecate

219. deflect

220. dwindle

221. aggress

222. lithotype

223. obelisk

224. dishonest

225. interrogatory

226. baffle

227. hydrodynamics

228. enfeeble

229. multiplicity

230. translate

231. propeller

232. apostle

233. caitiff

234. interpose

235. efficacious

236. tapestry

237. prudential

238. pellucid

239. revisal

240. perfectible

241. supplicate

242. hybrid

243. disunion

244. disbeliever

245. animadversion

246. luxuriance

247. posse

248. modulate

249. nondescript

250. revere

251. fracture

252. cohesive

253. ameliorate

254. linguistics

255. introvert

256. instructive

257. therefor

258. adherent

259. encompass

260. onus

261. animalcule

262. capillary

263. eccentric

264. intercessor

265. akin

266. gullible

267. submersion

268. correlative

269. equanimity

270. arrant

271. rupture

272. christen

273. dominate

274. gusto

275. playwright

276. pamphlet

277. oculist

278. plenteous

279. monitory

280. sumptuous

281. mercenary

282. participant

283. contributor

284. antislavery

285. resistive

286. chastise

287. luminescent

288. neophyte

289. inhibit

290. conspicuous

291. plumb

292. momentous

293. deter

294. tripod

295. formation

296. commission

297. languid

298. delude

299. versatile

300. reform

301. hexangular

302. corrigible

303. reflexible

304. duplicity

305. infamous

306. dilate

307. earthenware

308. cacophony

309. streamlet

310. generality

311. dissever

312. moralist

313. decimate

314. felicitate

315. lode

316. recapture

317. reminiscence

318. urchin

319. hosiery

320. subservient

321. kingling

322. orate

323. judiciary

324. shrewd

325. resistance

326. authenticity

327. gastronomy

328. indiscernible

329. suggestive

330. stagnant

331. ally

332. appellate

333. left-handed

334. infirm

335. ampere

336. abhorrent

337. origin

338. pavilion

339. ache

340. lattice

341. distraught

342. passible

343. script

344. reprehensible

345. contraband

346. zodiac

347. venerable

348. discountenance

349. limitation

350. abbot

351. knead

352. casual

353. acquiesce

354. productive

355. comparison

356. paramour

357. offhand

358. variance

359. oration

360. maudlin

361. susceptible

362. incitement

363. breaker

364. felon

365. deficiency

366. illusory

367. acquire

368. absent-minded

369. impede

370. irrigant

371. knavery

372. salvage

373. titanic

374. ensnare

375. entomology

376. redress

377. lassie

378. diffusion

379. pentagon

380. seduce

381. unisonant

382. invariable

383. atheism

384. benevolence

385. pristine

386. chromatic

387. recrudescent

388. gratify

389. weak-kneed

390. liquor

391. apogee

392. nurture

393. jovial

394. futile

395. aerostat

396. irradiate

397. append

398. kimono

399. officiate

400. cipher

401. feasible

402. volition

403. drudgery

404. catholicity

405. gentile

406. excitation

407. aloof

408. incomparable

409. denominate

410. pestilential

411. extempore

412. piteous

413. occasion

414. intelligence

415. bombast

416. conjunction

417. philosophy

418. expatriate

419. phonology

420. simplify

421. lewd

422. privity

423. intricacy

424. expense

425. corpulent

426. fraudulent

427. requital

428. arrange

429. witchcraft

430. robust

431. investor

432. giver

433. loiterer

434. botanical

435. amorous

436. levity

437. autocrat

438. frightful

439. conversion

440. felonious

441. repute

442. accessory

443. anteroom

444. beset

445. illusion

446. canon

447. deposition

448. sonnet

449. knight errant

450. magician

451. cessation

452. automaton

453. whine

454. superheat

455. gesticulate

456. inexorable

457. subside

458. comprehension

459. assassination

460. patriotism

461. indicator

462. hydromechanics

463. technicality

464. seize

465. freemason

466. vestige

467. abrogate

468. corroboration

469. precession

470. interrogative

471. inane

472. abstemious

473. denomination

474. lingua

475. archbishop

476. anticyclone

477. salvo

478. lurid

479. evince

480. fallow

481. contingency

482. expectorate

483. stallion

484. wittingly

485. invective

486. soluble

487. hypnotic

488. debase

489. salacious

490. bowdlerize

491. morbid

492. mordacious

493. espy

494. sentence

495. the relics of ma

496. monograph

497. regenerate

498. dolor

499. stanza

500. constellation

501. almanac

502. corrode

503. displace

504. pedestal

505. designate

506. courageous

507. torrid

508. buttress

509. significant

510. whereupon

511. mausoleum

512. lough

513. polar

514. veto

515. philology

516. coalition

517. triplicate

518. incendiary

519. dissonant

520. butte

521. conformity

522. scrupulous

523. insurgent

524. truculence

525. sisterhood

526. collier

527. succinct

528. defendant

529. expository

530. infest

531. plummet

532. conducive

533. reactionary

534. palsy

535. progeny

536. interrogate

537. neo-latin

538. orgies

539. newtonian

540. antipathize

541. festal

542. disarrange

543. bilateral

544. sergeant

545. borough

546. havoc

547. dilatory

548. efficiency

549. providential

550. inefficient

551. foggy

552. inchoative

553. adulterate

554. bereave

555. disallow

556. insufficient

557. preservation

558. evanescent

559. itinerary

560. laudatory

561. adhere

562. augment

563. came

564. cynosure

565. upturn

566. rhetorician

567. fugacious

568. alcove

569. abnegate

570. galvanism

571. signification

572. clandestine

573. transfusible

574. metonymy

575. irritable

576. perform

577. formidable

578. brigand

579. taciturn

580. coercive

581. dishabille

582. prerogative

583. copious

584. mete

585. rescind

586. diaphanous

587. misapprehend

588. desiccant

589. alabaster

590. determination

591. parity

592. microscopy

593. parentage

594. intercept

595. fulsome

596. luminary

597. corroborate

598. reconsider

599. disfigure

600. excellency

601. foresail

602. violator

603. raptorial

604. derive

605. pugnacious

606. antecedent

607. planisphere

608. affront

609. understate

610. navigate

611. vogue

612. irony

613. frizzle

614. causal

615. supercilious

616. legislator

617. levee

618. unbelief

619. static

620. amusement

621. congregate

622. preparatory

623. radix

624. irritant

625. grandeur

626. unique

627. ambidextrous

628. remission

629. risible

630. barcarole

631. mouthful

632. eatable

633. bier

634. mislay

635. uproarious

636. vegetation

637. foreign

638. negligence

639. feint

640. encore

641. unwieldy

642. perceive

643. compliment

644. forehead

645. dutiable

646. preamble

647. repository

648. bigamy

649. cycloid

650. torturous

651. fuse

652. folio

653. landscape

654. conduce

655. misnomer

656. allegory

657. remunerate

658. inextensible

659. wavelet

660. laggard

661. terminus

662. crusade

663. perfidy

664. tremor

665. socialism

666. occident

667. cataract

668. recede

669. surfeit

670. convalesce

671. diphthong

672. ornate

673. illuminant

674. panoply

675. derivation

676. precarious

677. weal

678. forgo

679. inept

680. impudence

681. stealth

682. operative

683. instant

684. ruminant

685. miscount

686. intoxicant

687. despair

688. solstice

689. dramatist

690. vacate

691. anachronism

692. reticence

693. concordance

694. urgency

695. virago

696. lexicographer

697. appease

698. rationalism

699. gestation

700. stingy

701. payee

702. retrospect

703. supplementary

704. deportment

705. apparent

706. complex

707. evangelist

708. inquisition

709. maze

710. generalize

711. receivable

712. bountiful

713. neuter

714. nominal

715. pioneer

716. advocacy

717. competitive

718. antic

719. liquefy

720. aborigines

721. flagrant

722. gratification

723. alacrity

724. drainage

725. prediction

726. pendulum

727. somnolent

728. mileage

729. comparative

730. predict

731. suspicious

732. ministry

733. animadvert

734. unctuous

735. underworld

736. succumb

737. littoral

738. provocation

739. omniscient

740. secondary

741. brogan

742. bridle

743. involve

744. efficacy

745. pulmonary

746. voracious

747. subacid

748. inseparable

749. subversion

750. ponder

751. irrigate

752. quiescence

753. accursed

754. herbarium

755. feminine

756. irrefragable

757. awaken

758. brusque

759. poignant

760. divest

761. statute

762. imperfectible

763. operate

764. decameron

765. lateral

766. discomfort

767. reflection

768. enthuse

769. microcosm

770. forethought

771. requisite

772. induct

773. fancier

774. descendent

775. caucus

776. livelihood

777. peccable

778. harass

779. out-and-out


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