
What is Interjection? Definition and Interjection Example Sentences

What is Interjection? Definition and Interjection Example Sentences


Interjections are used to express strong emotions, feelings. They are often used as single words in sentences. Interjections do not affect the grammar of the sentence in English. Subject, tense, verbs are not important to use exclamation in sentences. Interjections are words that are added to the sentence and reinforce the meaning. It seems more appropriate to use an exclamation point to reinforce the meaning of the words used in the sentence. For example:

  • Yes, the broken glass hurt my hand a lot.
  • Oh, the broken glass hurt my hand so bad.

The exclamation “Ah” used here adds meaning and feeling to the sentence. In general, it is always more correct to use exclamations to express emotions such as anger, joy, sadness, excitement.

Use Of Interjections

Exclamations are usually at the beginning of sentences. This is the most common usage. Because the exclamations are used at the beginning of the sentences, emotions can be expressed easily. Examples of exclamation points used at the beginning of sentences include:

  • Wow, the dress she bought for graduation looks beautiful.
  • Oh no, I forgot that I have an exam today.
  • Yuck, the food he made tasted disgusting.
  • Yey, I finally got the school I wanted.

Interjections can be used at the beginning of sentences as well as at the end and middle of sentences. Although not widely used, there are many examples of this use of interjections. These examples are:

  • Does he think he can’t get into the school he wants, hmm?

The use of the exclamation point at the end of the sentence in this sentence has transformed the sentence into a question sentence. As stated in this sentence, the person in front of you may be curious about your thoughts. He may want you to interpret this thought together.

Examples Of Interjections In A Sentence

Interjections can be used inside a sentence. It can also be enclosed in parentheses or separated by commas when used in a sentence. Such examples are:

  • I may not have passed the exam, but hey, I felt comfortable trying it. It was surprising that I didn’t pass the exam (Wow!).
  • I forgot to do my homework (oops) my teacher will be very angry with me.

There is one last use of exclamations. Exclamations can also be used to attract attention. Examples in this regard are:

  • Hey!, were you the one who cheated on the exam?
  • Yo, Emily! You must go back home immediately.

Interjection List

1. Eek!

2. Well, well!

3. Ooh!

4. Fooey!

5. Zoinks!!

6. No way!

7. You bet!

8. Yum!

9. Yoo-hoo!

10. Bah!

11. Oho!

12. Gangway!

13. Zap!

14. Very well!

15. Whoa!

16. Doggone!

17. Sleep tight!

18. Harrumph!

19. No thanks!

20. Nooo!

21. Tut-tut!

22. Snap!

23. There!

24. Whew!

25. Duh!

26. Psst!

27. Egads!

28. Sorry!

29. Meh!

30. Uh-oh!

31. Gee whiz!

32. My word!

33. Touche!

34. La-di-dah!

35. Whatever!

36. Gadzooks!

37. Ick!

38. Aah!

39. Ack!

40. Nuts!

41. Gee!

42. Curses!

43. Pish posh!

44. Whoopee!

45. Thanks!

46. Just wondering!

47. Rah!

48. Just a sec!

49. Sigh!

50. Hum!

51. Well!

52. Oh!

53. Ya!

54. My my!

55. Crikey!

56. Good!

57. Fie!

58. Yummy!

59. Yeah!

60. Aha!

61. Chin up!

62. Oh-oh!

63. When!

64. Easy does it!

65. Hee!

66. Rumble!

67. Ta ta!

68. Hot dog!

69. Tut!

70. Hurray!

71. Humbug!

72. Gulp!

73. Sssh!

74. Drat!

75. You don’t say!

76. Huh!

77. Tally ho!

78. Fiddlesticks!

79. Yea!

80. Ixnay!

81. Here!

82. Brr!

83. Hallelujah!

84. Cheerio!

85. Grr!

86. Whoo!

87. Hey!

88. Um!

89. Look!

90. Roger that!

91. Alas!

92. Sup!

93. Quite!

94. Yikes!

95. Gesundheit!

96. Bravo!

97. Shh!

98. Aye!

99. Ur!

100. Haw!


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