Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive Verbs: Definition, Common Intrantisive Verbs and Example Sentences

Intransitive Verbs: Definition, Common Intrantisive Verbs and Example Sentences

Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive verbs are verbs that are used without taking a direct object. So it only includes the subject and nothing is done for others.

Intransitive Verbs Examples

There are many examples of intransitive verbs. When you pay attention to the verb from these examples, it is seen that it does not have an object. All of the verbs in the examples to be presented are intransitive verbs.

  • Many people and the government
  • He also performed in the theater where many people were in.

In these examples, the answer to the question of what is in our verbs cannot be obtained. Thus, it is used as an intransitive verb.

There are examples of intransitive verbs that are frequently used in English. Counting them, these examples can be given:

  • agree
  • appear
  • arrive
  • become
  • cough
  • cry
  • die
  • disappear
  • fly
  • go
  • happen
  • jump
  • laugh
  • live
  • rise
  • run
  • scream
  • shout
  • sigh
  • sit
  • stand
  • stay
  • swim
  • vanish
  • vomit

Common Intransitive Verbs

An intransitive verb does not take a verb. It is passed as a direct object. It seems that there are no words in the sentences that say who or what takes the action of the verb. A word or phrase can be used after an intransitive verb, but these phrases are usually “how?” answers the question.

What Does “Intransitive” Mean in English?

To understand what the word “intransitive” means, it is necessary to know the meaning of “transitive” correctly. A transitive verb consists of the idea that the action must pass from the verb to an object to complete its meaning.

  • Rebecca bought it. (missing)

(The meaning is missing because the action could not pass from a verb to an object.)

  • Jacob bought a house.

(In this example, the action of the verb purchased is directly passed to an object (house), thus completing the meaning.)

The Importance of Intransitive Verbs

Transitive and intransitive verbs are very important even if not paid attention to when used in daily life. Learning English will be much easier for people who learn the transitive and intransitive words and their usage correctly. In discussions about direct and indirect objects, it is important to know the key points about this topic. The most important point is that the action of transitive verbs must pass to the object in the verb to complete the meaning, but this is not a correct use in intransitive verbs that contain only a subject.


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