
Opposite of Day, What is opposite antonym word Day

Opposite of Day, What is opposite antonym word Day

Word; Day

Meaning; daytime, daylight

Opposites of Day

  • gloom
  • shadow
  • darkness
  • vesper
  • evening
  • night
  • eve
  • obscurity
  • eventide
  • dark

What are Opposite Words and How We Use These?

There are many ways of describing situations that are intended to be said, both in writing and in spoken language. Sometimes, to make better sentences and to provide a stronger expression, more effective sentences can be made by saying the desired situation in the opposite way. Opposite words work here. Opposite words are words that give the opposite meaning of the word used.

People may want to express themselves more impressively and differently in an article or a speech. Using the same words constantly is an obstacle to this desire. It is more possible to repeat the same words and make a different expression by using opposite words. An example of this:

  • Suppose the word “poor” is the main idea in writing or a speech. In this case, this word will be used often. Let’s use the opposite word “rich”, which is the opposite word for a richer speech or writing, for this expression.
  • The “poor” living in the west of the country was visibly bad. There were a lot of “poor” people in this part of the country.

Here are Most Important Opposite Word List

  • about – exactly
  • above – below
  • absence – presence
  • abundance – lack
  • accept – refuse
  • accidental – intentional
  • active – lazy
  • add – subtract
  • admit – deny
  • adult – child
  • advanced – elementary
  • affirmative – negative
  • afraid – brave
  • after – before
  • against – for
  • alike – different
  • alive – dead
  • all – none
  • allow – forbid
  • already – not yet
  • always – never
  • ancient – modern
  • ancestor – descendant
  • agree – refuse
  • amateur – professional
  • amuse – bore
  • ancestor – descendant
  • angel – devil
  • animal – human
  • annoy – satisfy
  • answer – ask
  • answer – question
  • awful – nice
  • back – in front of
  • background – foreground
  • backward – forward
  • bad – good
  • bad luck – fortune
  • beauty – ugliness
  • before – after
  • begin – end
  • beginning – end
  • behind – in front of
  • below – above
  • best – worst
  • better – worse
  • beautiful – ugly
  • big – small
  • birth – death
  • bitter – sweet
  • black – white
  • blunt – sharp
  • body – soul
  • bore – amuse
  • boring – exciting
  • careless – careful
  • catch – miss
  • ceiling – floor
  • cellar – attic
  • centre – outskirts
  • certainly – probably
  • changeable – constant
  • cheap – expensive
  • child – adult
  • children – parents
  • clean – dirty
  • clear – cloudy
  • clever – stupid
  • close – open
  • closed – open
  • cloudy – clear
  • cold – hot
  • cold – heat
  • come – go
  • comedy – drama
  • complicated – simple
  • compliment – insult
  • cool – warm
  • correct – wrong
  • courage – fear
  • courageous – cowardly
  • cowardly – brave
  • create – destroy
  • cruel – human
  • cry – whisper
  • cry – laugh
  • damage – repair
  • danger – security
  • dangerous – safe
  • dark – light
  • daughter – son
  • dawn – dusk
  • day – night
  • dead – alive
  • death – birth
  • deep – shallow
  • defeat – victory
  • defence – attack
  • defend – attack
  • delicious – awful
  • deny – admit
  • depart – arrive
  • departure – arrival
  • descendant – ancestor
  • descent – ascent
  • desperate – hopeful
  • destroy – build
  • domestic – foreign
  • down – up
  • downstairs – upstairs
  • drama – comedy
  • dry – humid
  • dull – interesting
  • dusk – dawn
  • early – late
  • east – west
  • easy – difficult
  • elementary – advanced
  • emigrate – immigrate
  • emigration – immigration
  • empty – full
  • end – begin
  • end – beginning
  • ending – beginning
  • enemy – friend
  • enjoy – hate
  • enter – leave
  • entrance – exit
  • equal – different
  • even – odd
  • evening – morning
  • everybody – nobody
  • export – import
  • exposure – shelter
  • extreme – moderate
  • fail – succeed
  • failure – success
  • false – true
  • far – near
  • fast – slow
  • fat – slim
  • fear – courage
  • female – male
  • few – many
  • final – first
  • find – lose
  • finish – begin
  • finish – start
  • first – final
  • fix – break
  • flat – hilly
  • floor – ceiling
  • follow – lead
  • forbid – allow
  • for – against
  • foreground – background
  • foreign – domestic
  • foreigner – native
  • forget – remember
  • form – destroy
  • fortune – bad luck
  • gentle – violent
  • gentleman – lady
  • giant – tiny
  • girl – boy
  • give – take
  • go – come
  • good – bad
  • grown-up – child
  • guest – host
  • guilty – innocent
  • happiness – sadness
  • happy – sad
  • handsome – ugly
  • hard – easy
  • harvest – plant
  • hate – enjoy
  • health – disease
  • healthy – ill
  • heat – cold
  • heaven – hell
  • heavy – light
  • huge – tiny
  • human – animal
  • humane – cruel
  • humid – dry
  • hungry – thirsty
  • husband – wife
  • in front of – back
  • ignore – notice
  • ill – healty
  • immigrate – emigrate
  • immigration – emigration
  • import – export
  • in – out
  • include – exclude
  • increase – reduce
  • innocent – guilty
  • inside – outside
  • insult – compliment
  • intelligent – silly
  • intentional – accidental
  • be interested in – bore
  • interesting – boring
  • interrupt – continue
  • junior – senior
  • kind – cruel
  • lack – abundance
  • lady – gentleman
  • land – take off
  • land – water
  • large – small
  • last – first
  • late – early
  • laugh – cry
  • lazy – active
  • lead – follow
  • learn – teach
  • leave – arrive
  • left – right
  • lend – borrow
  • less – more
  • let – forbid
  • lie – stand
  • life – death
  • light – dark
  • light – heavy
  • like – hate
  • liquid – solid
  • little – big
  • little – much
  • live – die
  • long – short
  • lose – win
  • loser – winner
  • loud – quiet
  • love – hate
  • lovely – terrible
  • low – high
  • lower – raise
  • bad luck – good luck
  • good luck – bad luck
  • major – minor
  • male – female
  • man – woman
  • many – few
  • midnight – noon
  • minimum – maximum
  • minor – major
  • miss – hit
  • miss – catch
  • moderate – extreme
  • modern – ancient
  • monarchy – republic
  • moon – sun
  • more – less
  • morning – evening
  • mountain – valley
  • much – little
  • narrow – broad
  • nasty – nice
  • native – foreigner
  • natural – artificial
  • near – distant
  • negative – affirmative
  • nephew – niece
  • never – always
  • new – ancient
  • nice – awful
  • niece – nephew
  • night – day
  • no – yes
  • nobody – everybody
  • noisy – quiet
  • noon – midnight
  • none of – al lot of
  • normal – strange
  • north – south
  • not yet – already
  • nothing – everything
  • notice – ignore
  • now – then
  • occasionally – frequently
  • occupied – vacant
  • odd – even
  • off – on
  • often – seldom
  • old – modern
  • on – off
  • open – closed
  • open – closed
  • opponent – supporter
  • order – mess
  • ordinary – special
  • other – same
  • out – in
  • outside – inside
  • outskirts – centre
  • over – under
  • parents – children
  • part – whole
  • partial – total
  • particular – general
  • pass – fail
  • past – future
  • peace – war
  • permit – forbid
  • plant – harvest
  • plenty – lack
  • pleasant – awful
  • polite – rude
  • poor – rich
  • poverty – wealth
  • powerful – weak
  • presence – absence
  • present – past
  • pretty – ugly
  • private – public
  • probably – certainly
  • professional – amateur
  • protect – attack
  • protection – attack
  • public – private
  • pull – push
  • pupil – teacher
  • push – pull
  • question – answer
  • quick – slow
  • quiet – loud
  • raise – lower
  • rainy – sunny
  • rear – front
  • receive – send
  • reduce – increase
  • refuse – agree
  • regret – satisfaction
  • scream – whisper
  • security – danger
  • seldom – often
  • sell – buy
  • send – receive
  • senior – junior
  • separate – connect
  • serious – funny
  • servant – master
  • set free – arrest
  • shallow – deep
  • sharp – blunt
  • shelter – exposure
  • short – long
  • shout – whisper
  • shut – open
  • sick – healthy
  • silent – noisy
  • silly – intelligent
  • simple – complicated
  • sink – rise
  • single – married
  • sister – brother
  • sit – stand
  • slim – fat
  • slow – fast
  • small – big
  • smooth – rough
  • soft – hard
  • solid – liquid
  • some – many
  • sometimes – often
  • son – daughter
  • soul – body
  • sour – sweet
  • south – north
  • special – general
  • spring – autumn
  • stand – sit
  • start – stop
  • start – finish
  • stop – start
  • stand – lie
  • strange – normal
  • stranger – native
  • strict – gentle
  • strong – weak
  • student – teacher
  • stupid – clever
  • suburb – centre
  • succeed – fail
  • success – failure
  • subtract – add
  • sugar – salt
  • summer – winter
  • sun – moon
  • sunny – cloudy
  • true – false
  • trust – suspect
  • ugliness – beauty
  • ugly – beautiful
  • under – over
  • unite – divide
  • unity – division
  • up – down
  • upstairs – downstairs
  • urban – rural
  • useful – useless
  • useless – useful
  • vacant – occupied
  • valley – mountain
  • vertical – horizontal
  • victory – defeat
  • village – town
  • violent – gentle
  • visitor – host
  • voluntary – compulsory
  • vowel – consonant
  • war – peace
  • warm – cool
  • waste – save
  • water – land
  • weak – powerful
  • wealth – poverty
  • wealthy – poor
  • wedding – divorce

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