Prefixes & Suffixes

Prefixes List, Definition and Example Sentences

Prefixes List, Definition and Example Sentences


Prefixes are the suffixes that come before words. These suffixes can add different meanings and qualities to words. Examples of the use of these annexes are as follows:

  • disagree
  • impossible
  • inaction

The suffixes that come before these words are prefixes. It has an important place in English in terms of usage. Since it changes the meaning and structure of the words in the sentence, care should be taken to use them correctly. When prefixes come before a word, they can change its quality and meaning.

Examples of Prefix

Suffixes that come before words can add negativity and different meanings to them. Examples on this topic are:

legal -> illegal
logical -> illogical
literate -> illiterate
legitimate -> illegitimate
legible -> illegible
limitable -> illimitable
moral -> immoral
perfect -> imperfect
percetible -> imperceptible
measurable -> immeasurable
mature -> immature
partial -> impartial
material -> immaterial
regular ->irregular
responsible -> irresponsible
reverent -> irreverent
reparable -> irreparable
reducible -> irreducible
rational -> irrational
pleasant -> unpleasant
manly -> unmanly
real -> unreal
satisfactory -> unsatisfactory
lovable -> unlovable
safe -> unsafe
feeling -> unfeeling
fairness -> unfairness
identifiable -> unidentifiable
manageable -> unmanageable
necessary -> unnecessary
comfortable -> uncomfortable
godly -> ungodly
advantage -> disadvantage
obedient -> disobedient
agreement -> disagreement
comfort -> discomfort
satisfaction -> dissatisfaction
own -> disown
engage -> disengage
affect -> disaffect
hearten -> dishearten
abuse -> disabuse
obey -> disobey
respect -> disrespect
expensive -> inexpensive
variable -> invariable
organic -> inorganic
attention -> inattention
adequate -> inadequate
decent -> indecent
destructible -> indestructible
accurate -> inaccurate

As seen in these negative examples, the meaning of words has changed with prefix suffixes. Therefore, it is very important to use prefixes to expand the vocabulary and use different words in sentences.

The Importance of Using Prefixes

Prefixes combined with words provide compatibility with the word in terms of spelling. In this way, it is a very useful use for beginners in English. In addition, these suffixes are very suitable for learning new words. You can generate many different words with the use of just one suffix.

Instead of expressing long words with many words, you can make a very short expression using prefixes. This will look more appropriate in your sentences. That’s why you should pay attention to the use of prefixes.

English suffixes are quite numerous and there are special cases of what are called prefixes. Name derivation is based on the structure of each word. Suffixes must match the word. Not every prefix can match the word. In such cases, it is necessary to memorize the prefixes that will come to the words. As seen in the table, many words are used with suffixes.


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