Prepositional Phrases

+100 Prepositional Phrases IN in English

+100 Prepositional Phrases IN in English

in agreement with
in aid of
in all likelihood
in an instant
in an uproar
in code
in collaboration with
in combination with
in comfort
in command of
in common
in comparison with
in compensation for
in conclusion
in confidence
in confinement
in confusion
in conjunction with
in connection with
in consequence of
in contact with
in contrast with
in control of
in convoy
in custody
in danger
in debt
in decline
in defense of
in detail
in disgrace
in disguise
in disorder
in dispute
in distress
in doubt
in due course
in duplicate
in earnest
in effect
in error
in essence
in excess of
in exchange for
in existence
in fact
in fairness to
in favor of
in fear of
in flames
in flower
in full
in future
in gear
in general
in good condition
in good faith
in hand
in harmony (with)
in haste
in hiding
in high spirits
in honor of
in horror
in ink
in time
in the forefront of
in demand
in of focus
in answer to
in anticipation of
in arrears
in awe of
in blossom
in brief
in bulk
in cash
in character
in charge of
in of one’s element
in of prison
in of season
in of stock
in of touch
in of use
in difficulty
in sight (of)
in a deep sleep
in a flash
in a heap
in a hurry
in a mess
in a pile
in a sense
in a temper
in abeyance
in abundance
in accordance with
in action
in addition to
in advance
in agony


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