
80 Negative Sentences Examples

80 Negative Sentences Examples

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English Sentences

Making sentences is the main aid of communication. Sentences indicate previous events or situations, continuous events and situations, instantaneous events and situations, and future events and situations. Sentences that are part of daily life contain subject and predicate. In addition, sentence elements such as an adjective, indirect compliment, and adverb can also be included. Different from this situation, sentences are named in 4 different ways in English. The names of this distinction are made as to the declarative sentence (statement), interrogative sentence (question), imperative sentence (command), exclamative sentence (exclamation). In this article, we will examine these 4 types of sentences and give examples.

1. They don’t live near here.

2. I’m sorry but this is not mine.

3. This old man was not actually right.

4. She does not loves to play piano.

5. There was no peach orchard on site of this building.

6. He does not catches the bus every morning.

7. Alex isn’t telling the truth.

8. I don’t want too drink too much.

9. He couldn’t get unhealthy food.

10. We don’t have a house.

11. Alex won’t be coming to the movies. He is very busy.

12. You are not lazy students.

13. I dont’t take the trash out.

14. He didn’t get a passing grade because he didn’t work hard enough.

15. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

16. You don’t teach your cat tricks.

17. This is mine dog.

18. You are not an engineer.

19. The dog cannot walk itself.

20. I will not love you.

21. The coat I gave him couldn’t fit on it.

22. My father did not even bother to answer me.

23. There is no play with fire.

24. I will not have dinner tonight.

25. She won’t go to the cinema.

26. There was not a single person outside.

27. It wasn’t me knocking on your door.

28. The bag on the table is not his.

29. I can’t come home early today.

30. Mary hasn’t cooked some cookies.

31. I have not failed.

32. There was no one outside.

33. I don’t play volleyball.

34. I don’t want to marry her.

35. No one has ever called us to complain.

36. She wasn’t eating white rice.

37. The streets were not crowded today.

38. You should not go take it from him.

39. That man does not the same thing every day.

40. I don’t play tennis every day.

41. I don’t want to eat with him.

42. My father didn’t go to work in the morning.

43. I don’t learn English with my friends.

44. I don’t have my wallet with me.

45. That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

46. I don’t hear nothing.

47. It won’t rain tomorrow.

48. My brother didn’t come home.

49. We don’t work very hard.

50. I’m not sure about the universe.

51. I cannot run faster than him.

52. I can not write.

53. You will not come with me.

54. It wasn’t me who knocked on your door.

55. I will not go to school tomorrow.

56. This crooked old man wasn’t actually right what you thought.

57. Some people won’t eat spicy foods.

58. I don’t want to work in this business anymore.

59. She does not want to stay here.

60. She is not my best friend.

61. I don’t want to play football with you anymore.

62. She is not a mechanical engineer.

63. We haven’t been able to go to the village for over three years.

64. My father will not come with us today.

65. I was not very happy because of his illness.

66. Brasil is not a country in Europe.

67. I don’t love dogs.

68. The clouds were not blocking the sun’s rays.

69. My friend does not like to eat dumplings.

70. I do not drink white wine.

71. I don’t love you so much.

72. I don’t want to hear this.

73. No one attended the parent meeting.

74. I don’t want to play football with you.

75. We are not visiting somewhere.

76. My father wouldn’t let us buy a new computer.

77. You are not very kind.

78. We should not go to bed late at night because we will wake up early in the morning.

79. I didn’t read al lot book last year.

80. It doesn’t smell good on the street.


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