
90 Examples of Positive Sentences Examples

90 Examples of Positive Sentences Examples

Table of Contents

English Sentences

Making sentences is the main aid of communication. Sentences indicate previous events or situations, continuous events and situations, instantaneous events and situations, and future events and situations. Sentences that are part of daily life contain subject and predicate. In addition, sentence elements such as an adjective, indirect compliment, and adverb can also be included. Different from this situation, sentences are named in 4 different ways in English. The names of this distinction are made as to the declarative sentence (statement), interrogative sentence (question), imperative sentence (command), exclamative sentence (exclamation). In this article, we will examine these 4 types of sentences and give examples.

1. We were supposed to meet her at 2 o’clock.

2. I’ve lost my umbrella.

3. No one will come after me.

4. I want to do something.

5. You are very lazy.

6. They are doing this for themselves.

7. This gift was especially for you, dear president.

8. You should treat her with more respect.

9. We borrowed her car.

10. I lost my watch yesterday.

11. We go to the gym club together.

12. Mary and Alex invited them to the party.

13. I bought a new house.

14. Everything is ready for the birthday party.

15. I will take it from you.

16. He studies every night.

17. They will come after you.

18. No one believes them.

19. They killed him.

20. They sleep in the afternoon.

21. Everything was ready for the party.

22. I want to be a computer engineer too.

23. I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.

24. You should definitely clean this room yourself.

25. Everybody loves Mary.

26. You are lazy students.

27. Today they will come.

28. She is my best friend.

29. Someone knows where he is.

30. She learned to read by herself.

31. We will go to the party.

32. We went fishing after school.

33. This is mine.

34. Everything was ready for the party.

35. They speak English in USA.

36. They are the smartest kids here.

37. Today we will come.

38. He loves to play basketball.

39. You know I love you so much.

40. You should take care of yourself.

41. I learnt English by myself.

42. You can buy everything.

43. There were 3 apples on the table.

44. You are very kind.

45. I play volleyball.

46. This was a threat to us.

47. She is the best football player in the team.

48. It bites everyone.

49. I have got a sister.

50. My father will come with us today.

51. He likes to paint by himself.

52. I take the trash out.

53. I love you.

54. I bought a new computer.

55. She likes to paint by herself.

56. I want to see you and I will.

57. I’m going fishing tomorrow morning.

58. This is mine dog.

59. I’ve got everything under control.

60. She took her wallet with her and went out.

61. I will help you.

62. I hear nothing.

63. The bag on the table is his.

64. I would like to help you.

65. She got a good grade in the Spanish exam.

66. You will come with me.

67. They killed him.

68. The girl whose eyes are blue will come tomorrow.

69. These are for you.

70. He would do anything.

71. She always goes to work early and starts working.

72. I really need someone.

73. Your car is more expensive than ours.

74. She cook for you.

75. I lost my wallet last week.

76. The dogs belong to them.

77. Everyone loves her.

78. You need to go take yours.

79. He will take it himself.

80. You are an engineer.

81. She will take what is hers.

82. My father fixed the car himself.

83. I can run faster than him.

84. You should go take it from him.

85. He is my best friend.

86. Someone knows where she is.

87. I love dogs.

88. They live near here.

89. We can go on vacation with you.

90. After school she did her homework and went to play football.


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