Sight Words

First 100 Sight Words List

First 100 Sight Words List

Sight words are detailed teaching activities and techniques given to establish the foundations of child literacy. These teaching activities and techniques are customized to assist people such as caregivers, teachers, and families who teach children in teaching. Sight words are of great importance in making teaching easier and more effective for children.

When children read Sight words, they have speed and fluency. In inSight words, kids don’t need to sound out letters. Instead, they immediately learn to recognize it. Sight words are widely used in English today. They are the most basic words used to build children’s vocabulary. When these words are combined with phonetics, children’s reading speed will also increase.

Table of Contents

How Can Sight Words Be Used?

It is not right to give children a compelling education in teaching techniques in English today. Instead, it is more efficient to teach sight words to children through various activities and games. In this way, children will not forget to have fun while taking advanced education without difficulty.

Sight words most used by children are:

  • the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it, part, he, was, for, on, are, as with, his, they, I, at, be, have, from, or, one, had, by, words, but, not, what, all

Here are 963 Sight Words List in English

1. north

2. four

3. the

4. touch

5. forest

6. knew

7. broken

8. exercise

9. hope

10. main

11. quickly

12. being

13. desert

14. developed

15. paint

16. their

17. ice

18. lady

19. himself

20. indian

21. on

22. consider

23. grass

24. apple

25. food

26. moment

27. remember

28. late

29. trade

30. electric

31. surprise

32. course

33. teacher

34. early

35. better

36. long

37. back

38. open

39. whose

40. position

41. far

42. government

43. road

44. red

45. wild

46. even

47. lead

48. about

49. than

50. farmer

51. different

52. common

53. row

54. consonant

55. ran

56. picked

57. plains

58. region

59. fit

60. well

61. bell

62. mouth

63. sky

64. don’t

65. take

66. however

67. strong

68. sometimes

69. book

70. language

71. guess

72. someone

73. why

74. choose

75. she

76. now

77. gave

78. voice

79. carefully

80. ocean

81. rather

82. fly

83. cow

84. complete

85. am

86. serve

87. certain

88. drive

89. birds

90. information

91. going

92. amount

93. name

94. built

95. written

96. many

97. compound

98. funny

99. property

100. quite


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