1000 Most Common English Words and Meaning
1. wet
Meaning; damp, moist, tacky, liquid, watery
2. suddenly
Meaning; abruptly, sharp, at once, short
3. funny
Meaning; comic, comical, ridiculous, humorous
4. confused
Meaning; mixed, complicated, complex, combined
5. increase
Meaning; rise, increment, rising, up, enhancement
6. condone
Meaning; forgive, excuse, pardon, absolve, release
7. among
Meaning; between, amongst, amid
8. evolution
9. severe
Meaning; vigorous, violent, intense, heavy, strong
10. found
Meaning; establish, set up, install, build, set
11. joy
Meaning; delight, pleasure, rejoicing, gladness
12. nephew
Meaning; a son of one’s brother or sister
13. compliment
Meaning; attention, kindness, bouquet, sugar, taffy
14. inhibit
Meaning; embarrass, fetter, hinder, obstruct
15. connection
Meaning; link, linkage, contact, communication
16. thought
Meaning; opinion, thinking, idea, mind, consideration
17. noble
Meaning; royal, aristocratic, dignified, grand, sublime
18. frugal
Meaning; thrifty, sparing, prudent, careful, saving
19. join
Meaning; participate, attend, take part
20. they
Meaning; used to refer to two or more people or things
21. thank you
Meaning; appreciation
22. fire
Meaning; blaze
23. helpful
Meaning; useful, beneficial, utility, advantageous
24. borrow
Meaning; raise a loan, take on loan
25. affect
Meaning; influence, impress, thrill, touch, turn
26. certain
Meaning; specific, particular, set, definite, precise
27. equal
Meaning; equivalent, even, tantamount
28. space
Meaning; area, field, space, domain
29. as
Meaning; like, kind of
30. poop
Meaning; fart, break wind
31. rural
Meaning; country, rustic, pastoral, agrarian, countrified
32. soul
Meaning; spirit, psyche, ghost
33. burglar
Meaning; thief, robber, lifter
34. response
Meaning; answer, reply
35. logical
Meaning; sensible, reasonable, rational, plausible
36. harsh
Meaning; rigid, tough, stiff, solid
37. prove
Meaning; demonstrate, show, be contented with
38. procrastination
Meaning; suspension, delay, postponement
39. impact
Meaning; effect, influence, action, effectiveness
40. regret
Meaning; remorse, repentance, contrition
41. extensive
Meaning; wide, broad, spacious, large, vast
42. literally
Meaning; word for word, word by word
43. function
Meaning; mission, duty, task
44. sin
Meaning; transgression, evil, wrongdoing, iniquity
45. believe
Meaning; trust, credit, rely, put faith in, esteem
46. succeed
Meaning; get ahead, prosper, speed
47. many
Meaning; very, many, numerous, plenty, good
48. mandatory
Meaning; compulsory, obligatory, necessary, forced
49. above
Meaning; upstairs, hereinabove, supra, afore
50. tool
Meaning; vehicle, means, instrument
51. go
Meaning; move from one place to another
52. awesome
Meaning; terrible, horrible, awful
53. get
Meaning; come to have or hold; receive.
54. knowledge
Meaning; information, info, data, instructions, notice
55. pain
Meaning; ache, soreness, discomfort, affliction, spasm
56. cry
Meaning; weep, weeping, wail, whimper
57. atmosphere
Meaning; aura, aureola, aureole
58. narrow
Meaning; tight, acute, constricted, strait, parochial
59. prefix
Meaning; affix
60. a lot
Meaning; very, much, many, numerous, plenty
61. united
Meaning; combined, joint, integrated, connected
62. lovely
Meaning; nice, beautiful, good, pretty, fine
63. light
Meaning; lamp, luminary, gleam
64. find
Meaning; discover, devise, meet, ascertain, strike
65. alive
Meaning; live, alive, living, lively, vibrant, vivid
66. example
Meaning; sample, instance, model, specimen, pattern
67. dilate
Meaning; widen, broaden, enlarge, expand, amplify
68. fine
Meaning; thin, slim, subtle, slender, delicate
69. wisdom
Meaning; erudition, savoir vivre, wisdom, reason
70. assist
Meaning; help, aid, lend assistance
71. rude
Meaning; rough, coarse, bearish, crude, vulgar
72. suspicious
Meaning; suspect, skeptical, doubtful
73. incorporate
Meaning; anonymous, incorporated, joint-stock
74. against
Meaning; opposite, counter, before, con
75. problem
Meaning; question, issue, trouble, difficulty, cause
76. judge
Meaning; adjudicator, justice, commissioner
77. strong
Meaning; powerful, robust, potent, mighty, vigorous
78. evolve
Meaning; thrive, develop, improve, evolve, grow
79. fox
Meaning; cheat, deceive, spoof; vixen
80. float
Meaning; bathe, ride, shave, strike out, swim; buoy
81. refers
Meaning; apply, consult, resort
82. punctual
Meaning; precise, prompt, exact, minute, rigorous
83. compare
Meaning; crosscheck, check, match
84. inferior
Meaning; lower, under, subordinate, subaltern; quality
85. advantage
Meaning; benefit, advance, vantage, head start, odds
86. heaven
Meaning; paradise, Eden, glory, Elysium, pie
87. consideration
Meaning; importance, stature, significance, matter
88. frustrated
Meaning; disappointed
89. satisfied
Meaning; pleased, happy, glad, delighted, content
90. derived
Meaning; derive, reproduce, remove
91. relationship
Meaning; intercourse, correlation, affair, connection
92. maintain
Meaning; protect, preserve, keep, guard, safeguard
93. lucid
Meaning; clear, limpid, bright, crystalline
94. honor
Meaning; pride, face, self-respect
95. silly
Meaning; stupid, foolish, dumb, daft, goofy
96. lastly
Meaning; finally, last, terminally
97. given
Meaning; past participle of give
98. contribute
Meaning; conduce, lend, subscribe, subscribe to
99. shop
Meaning; store, emporium, shebang
100. tension
Meaning; voltage, potential, intensity
101. fat
Meaning; obese, overweight, stout, corpulent
102. noisy
Meaning; loud, tumultuous, vociferous, clamorous
103. desperate
Meaning; hopeless, bleak, despairing
104. felt
Meaning; pad, mat, felting
105. level
Meaning; grade, standard, plane, equality
106. virtue
Meaning; merit, grace
107. strict
Meaning; tight, hard, stringent, close, rigorous
108. sensitive
Meaning; precision, delicate, fine, susceptible
109. realize
Meaning; achieve, carry out, effect, execute, actualize
110. friendly
Meaning; sincere, intimate, cordial, genuine, candid
111. perceive
Meaning; sense, comprehend, pick up
112. inappropriate
Meaning; improper, inconvenient, unsuitable
113. greedy
Meaning; grasping, rapacious, voracious, insatiable
114. production
Meaning; manufacture, generation, output
115. creepy
Meaning; gory, creeping, reptile
116. clever
Meaning; smart, intelligent, cute, wise, astute
117. alone
Meaning; lonely, solo, lone, single, solitary
118. terrible
Meaning; horrible, awful, scary, terrifying, horrific
119. advice
Meaning; recommendation, suggestion, tip, counsel
120. coriander
Meaning; herb, plant
121. envy
Meaning; jealousy, jaundice, jealousy, malice, grudger
122. serious
Meaning; grave, important, critical, earnest, solemn
123. advocate
Meaning; attorney, lawyer, solicitor, counsel
124. standard
Meaning; canonical, stock, off-the-shelf
125. broken
Meaning; cracked, fractured, split
126. human
Meaning; man, human being, humanity
127. progressive
Meaning; advancing, developing, onward
128. feedback
Meaning; backlash, kickback
129. free
Meaning; independent, at liberty, unfettered
130. flow
Meaning; pour, run, drain
131. vision
Meaning; seeing, sight, opinion
132. distinguish
Meaning; separate, allocate, partition
133. mood
Meaning; state of mind, spirit, frame of mind
134. missing
Meaning; minus, deficient, incomplete
135. fresh
Meaning; new, crisp, raw, hot
136. seen
Meaning; past form of see
137. in order to
Meaning; so, that, so that
138. amazing person
Meaning; surprising person, astounding person, astonishing person
139. claim
Meaning; argue, contend, allege
140. rich
Meaning; wealthy, opulent, affluent, generous
141. appreciate
Meaning; prize, admire, pay tribute, estimate
142. event
Meaning; incident, case, scene, occurrence, happening
143. tidy
Meaning; regular, organized, orderly, steady, ordered
144. performance
Meaning; show, demonstration, showing
145. add
Meaning; join, attach, adjoin, join together
146. driven
Meaning; past form of drive
147. trust
Meaning; confidence, reliance, faith, assurance, credit
148. access
Meaning; inlet, input, entry, login, entrance
149. identify
Meaning; determine, define, specify, state, assign
150. stuff
Meaning; thing, doing, matter, doings, affair
151. ignore
Meaning; disregard, pay no attention, not to mind
152. vagina
Meaning; genitalia, pudenda, clitoris
153. interaction
Meaning; reciprocal action or influence
154. continue
Meaning; proceed, keep going, keep on, go ahead
155. rigid
Meaning; hard, tough, harsh, stiff, solid
156. appearance
Meaning; view, outlook, aspect
157. discuss
Meaning; debate, dispute, moot, wrangle, brawl
158. avoid
Meaning; prevent, prevent from, prohibit, intercept
159. experience
Meaning; knowledge, experimentation, tentative
160. forced
Meaning; compulsory, mandatory, obligatory, necessary
161. productive
Meaning; efficient, fruitful, fertile
162. green
Meaning; color between blue and yellow spectrum
163. guide
Meaning; manual, pilot, lead, pioneer, conductor
164. temporary
Meaning; transient, interim, provisional, temporal, casual
165. next
Meaning; subsequent, following, after, latter, ensuing
166. content
Meaning; ingredient, substance, meaning, theme
167. together
Meaning; jointly, in common, as one man
168. stiff
Meaning; hard, rigid, tough, harsh, solid
169. radical
Meaning; sweeping, root-and-branch
170. inclusive
Meaning; including, bearing
171. strength
Meaning; power, force, capacity, ability, energy
172. obey
Meaning; comply, fit, follow, comply with
173. entertainment
Meaning; fun, amusement, recreation
174. benefit
Meaning; utility, use, advantage, usefulness, profit
175. superior
Meaning; high, excellent, unsurpassed, super, extra
176. ultimately
Meaning; finally, eventually, at last, lastly
177. able
Meaning; talented, capable, skilled
178. perks
Meaning; privilege
179. very important
Meaning; crucial, of great importance, all-important
180. theme
Meaning; topic, subject, plot
181. mature
Meaning; fully developed physically, ripe, grown
182. guidance
Meaning; guiding, lead, orientation
183. expectations
Meaning; expectation, expectancies, prospect
184. recognize
Meaning; know, get to know, identify, acknowledge
185. ignorance
Meaning; illiteracy, darkness, night
186. things
Meaning; works, things, affairs
187. word
Meaning; vocable, promise, talk
188. fundamental
Meaning; basic, primary, underlying, principal, elementary
189. nice
Meaning; beautiful, lovely, good, pretty, fine
190. portray
Meaning; define, describe, characterize
191. release
Meaning; deblock, decontrol, deliver
192. offer
Meaning; proposal, offering, tender, proposition
193. significantly
Meaning; notably, remarkably, outstandingly
194. frequently
Meaning; often, constantly, oft
195. hit
Meaning; hitting, incidence, blow
196. popular
Meaning; loved, beloved, liked, lovable, darling
197. tight
Meaning; strict, hard, stringent, close, rigorous
198. comprehensive
Meaning; exhaustive, wide, generic, blanket
199. then
Meaning; at that time, at the time, by then
200. at the same time
Meaning; simultaneously, meanwhile, nevertheless
201. such as
Meaning; like
202. barren
Meaning; inefficient, unproductive, poor, barren
203. during
Meaning; throughout, along
204. states
Meaning; class, grade, classroom, rate, category
205. early
Meaning; premature, matutinal
206. pure
Meaning; pristine, naive, distilled, absolute, gullible
207. usually
Meaning; generally, normally, in general, largely, ordinarily
208. sufficient
Meaning; enough, adequate, ample
209. adequate
Meaning; sufficient, adequate, ample, satisfactory
210. innocent
Meaning; harmless, blameless, clear, guiltless
211. bad
Meaning; poor, worse, evil, ill, nasty
212. associated
Meaning; united
213. structure
Meaning; construction, build, making, building, make
214. sorrow
Meaning; sadness, grief, regret, distress, worry
215. expand
Meaning; widen, broaden, enlarge, amplify, dilate
216. destruction
Meaning; extermination, annihilation, demolition
217. achievement
Meaning; success, performance, accomplishment
218. break
Meaning; fracture, crack, hurt, offend, give offense
219. hurt
Meaning; damage, harm, loss, detriment
220. convey
Meaning; transmit, transfer, conduct, carry off, deliver
221. disappear
Meaning; be lost, go astray, lose one’s bearings
222. available
Meaning; present, existing, actual, existent, stock
223. impressive
224. character
Meaning; personality, person, persona
225. lose
Meaning; forfeit, chuck away, deceive, lose out
226. discipline
Meaning; authority, power, control, domination
227. widow
228. stunning
Meaning; striking, dramatic, salient, blazing, intense
229. music
Meaning; melody, opera, piece
230. based
Meaning; situated
231. topic
Meaning; subject, issue, matter, subject matter, theme
232. gentle
Meaning; kind, courteous, polite, delicate
233. so
Meaning; to such a great extent.
234. move
Meaning; movement, motion, action, act, behavior
235. exceed
Meaning; overrun, overlap, pass, pass over
236. sweet
Meaning; luscious, mellow, soft, pleasant, beautiful
237. intense
Meaning; dense, concentrated, compact
238. happiness
Meaning; bliss, welfare, felicity, glory, elation
239. world
Meaning; globe, nature, monde, terrestrial globe
240. again
Meaning; over, over again, all over
241. technology
Meaning; technic
242. should
Meaning; shall, must, ought
243. hope
Meaning; prospect, promise, expectation
244. admire
Meaning; appreciate, prize, pay tribute
245. according
Meaning; as stated by or in
246. principles
Meaning; principle, basis, tenet
247. specific
Meaning; certain, particular, set, definite, precise
248. suggest
Meaning; recommend, commit, proffer, propound
249. possible
Meaning; feasible, likely, probable
250. further
Meaning; anymore, upwards, upward, upwards of
251. communism
Meaning; political theory derived from Karl Marx
252. little
Meaning; small, minor, young, younger, petty
253. empower
Meaning; accredit, authorise, authorize
254. crisis
Meaning; attack, fit, bout
255. established
Meaning; founded, set, based
256. and
Meaning; together with, along with, as well as
257. foolish
Meaning; stupid, silly, stupidly, idiotic, crazy
258. attitude
Meaning; behavior, manner, demeanor, carriage
259. dry
Meaning; dried, drying, arid, sapless, scarious
260. tired
Meaning; weary, jaded, worn, bushed, pooped
261. set up
Meaning; establish, install, build
262. decision
Meaning; judgment, decree, resolution, determination
263. after
Meaning; later, subsequently, thereafter, afterward
264. butt
Meaning; buttocks, bum, rear, behind, backside
265. unhappy
Meaning; joyless, unfortunate, infelicitous
266. remember
Meaning; recall, recollect, call to mind, call up
267. white
Meaning; hoar, clean
268. upset
Meaning; sorry, sad, unhappy, worried, dejected
269. useless
Meaning; pointless, unserviceable, profitless
270. capable
Meaning; talented, able, skilled
271. position
Meaning; location, status
272. conservative
Meaning; uptight, sectarian, fanatic
273. disappointed
Meaning; frustrated
274. framework
Meaning; structure, construction, build
275. ensure
Meaning; guarantee, ensure, make certain
276. surprised
Meaning; feeling or showing surprise
277. retrospective
Meaning; looking back on
278. taught
Meaning; teach, instruct, show
279. reach
Meaning; achieve, arrive, attain
280. glad
Meaning; satisfied, pleased, happy, delighted, content
281. taken
Meaning; lay hold of with one’s hands
282. interest
Meaning; attention, concern, care, relevance, affinity
283. tall
Meaning; long, extended, lengthy
284. greatly
Meaning; very, too, much
285. career
Meaning; profession, job, vocation
286. top
Meaning; upper, high, senior, superior, surface
287. introvert
Meaning; shy
288. brilliant
Meaning; bright, shiny, glossy
289. disappointment
Meaning; disillusion, disillusionment, letdown, frost
290. proud
Meaning; vain, arrogant, conceited, vainglorious
291. happy
Meaning; delighted, merry, blissful, elated, contented
292. personal
Meaning; individual, private, intimate, singular
293. due
Meaning; required, necessary
294. true
Meaning; real, actual, genuine, authentic, exact
295. satisfaction
Meaning; pleasure, contentment, content
296. that
Meaning; used to identify a specific person or thing
297. transition
Meaning; passage, pass, passing
298. well
Meaning; good, decent, fine, great, okay
299. furthermore
Meaning; also, further, additionally, besides
300. cow
Meaning; scare, frighten, intimidate, daunt
301. goal
Meaning; target, destination, aim, objective, object
302. celebrate
Meaning; congratulate, greet, commemorate, emblazon
303. few
Meaning; little, small, under, short, poor
304. old
Meaning; used, former, ancient, past, ex
305. mean
Meaning; intend, aim at, purpose, aim, refer
306. burden
Meaning; load, cargo, charge
307. socialism
308. can
309. save
Meaning; rescue, save, recover, salvage, redeem
310. justice
Meaning; fairness, equity, equitableness, reason
311. average
Meaning; mean, medium, normal
312. weird
Meaning; strange, bizarre, odd, peculiar, funny
313. extremely
Meaning; highly, exceptionally, exceedingly, immensely
314. make
Meaning; do, perform, build, have, take
315. issue
Meaning; subject, topic, matter, subject matter, theme
316. classy
Meaning; stylish, elegant, chic
317. large
Meaning; great, big, major, older, grand
318. exaggerate
Meaning; overdo, overcharge, carry to excess
319. defend
Meaning; line up with, advocate, protect
320. team
Meaning; suit, set, squad, suite, side
321. extreme
Meaning; excessive, ultra, high, heavy, undue
322. anxious
Meaning; worried, concerned, apprehensive, suspenseful
323. foster
Meaning; feed, nourish, raise
324. type
Meaning; tip, sort, style
325. formal
Meaning; official, formal, state, legal, statutory, civil
326. naive
Meaning; pure, pristine, distilled, absolute, gullible
327. liar
Meaning; sham, fabricator, fibber
328. before
Meaning; ago, first, in advance, prior to, above
329. source
Meaning; resource, welding, weld, origin, spring
330. utilize
Meaning; operate, employ, make use of, exploit
331. neat
Meaning; clean, fresh, clear, neat, pure, tidy
332. describe
Meaning; define, portray, be descriptive of, designate
333. home
Meaning; house, place, housing, residence, dwelling
334. peak
Meaning; top, apical, terminal
335. postpone
Meaning; delay, adjourn, defer, suspend, carry over
336. below
Meaning; down, lowly, infra
337. must
Meaning; condition, proviso, circumstance
338. done
Meaning; made, made of, accomplished
339. regular
Meaning; organized, tidy, orderly, steady, ordered
340. applied
Meaning; practical, operative, handy
341. decline
Meaning; drop, decrease, fall, reduction, falling
342. often
Meaning; frequently, constantly, oft, ofttimes
343. enjoy
Meaning; delight, appreciate, feast, indulge, take pleasure
344. hopefully
Meaning; sanguinely
345. real
Meaning; true, actual, genuine, authentic, exact
346. devastating
Meaning; subversive, destructive, disruptive
347. claustrophobia
348. condition
Meaning; status, case, situation
349. victim
Meaning; sacrifice, prey, offering, martyr, patsy
350. reliable
Meaning; tried, trustworthy, dependable, credible, secure
351. shy
Meaning; bashful, embarrassed, timid, coy, gawky
352. thick
Meaning; coarse, dense, stout, grave
353. especially
Meaning; particularly, in particular, specially, exclusively
354. easy
Meaning; simple, straightforward, effortless, ready
355. produce
Meaning; breed, propagate, manufacture, fabricate
356. prior
Meaning; previous, former, prior
357. create
Meaning; form, compose, carve out, constitute
358. hungry
Meaning; empty, ravenous, unfed, hollow, greedy for
359. unfair
Meaning; unjust, unjustified, wrong, wrongful
360. integrity
Meaning; unity, entirety, completeness, wholeness, totality
361. energetic
Meaning; vibrant, vigorous, dynamic, active, brisk
362. we
Meaning; we, us
363. idiot
Meaning; stupid, fool, silly, dummy, cretin
364. stale
Meaning; corny, old, threadbare, trite, dated
365. solution
Meaning; resolution, remedy, answer, help, redress
366. under
Meaning; below, below, beneath, underneath, down
367. water
Meaning; aquatic, aqueous, juice
368. lucky
Meaning; fortunate, auspicious, jammy, prosperous
369. bachelor
Meaning; single, bach
370. aggressive
Meaning; offensive, pushy, militant
371. peace
Meaning; reconciliation, concord
372. dedicated
Meaning; given
373. foundation
Meaning; basis, base, ground, root, groundwork
374. confident
Meaning; sure, certain, assured, safe, secure
375. convince
Meaning; persuade, prevail on, prevail upon
376. damage
377. partition
Meaning; the state of dividing or being divided into parts
378. ambitious
Meaning; avid, greedy, passionate, competitive
379. whether
Meaning; if, provided that, providing that
380. lifestyle
Meaning; way to life, situation, manner of living
381. deposit
Meaning; security, down payment, caution money
382. never
Meaning; no way, nothing, nevermore, by no means
383. sure
Meaning; confident, certain, assured
384. hold
Meaning; keep, grip, retain
385. maybe
Meaning; perhaps, possibly, perchance
386. within
Meaning; in, inside of, therein
387. normal
Meaning; regular, ordinary, standard, normative
388. overwhelmed
Meaning; choke, strangle, drown, suffocate, smother
389. unnecessary
Meaning; redundant, superfluous, unneeded
390. professional
Meaning; relating to or belonging to a profession
391. similar
Meaning; like, parallel, analogue, counterpart
392. adorable
Meaning; very good, terrific, slashing
393. young
Meaning; teen, youthful, junior, adolescent, juvenile
394. lack
Meaning; deficiency, deficit, shortage, shortcoming
395. short
Meaning; brief, concise, curt, summary, mini
396. important
Meaning; significant, major, substantial, considerable
397. escape
Meaning; getaway, flight, bolt
398. small
Meaning; little, minor, young, younger, petty
399. company
Meaning; corporation, firm, establishment, house, concern
400. additionally
Meaning; also, further, furthermore, besides
401. favorite
Meaning; sideburns, whiskers, sideboards
402. growth
Meaning; expansion, development, enlargement
403. way
Meaning; road, path, route, track, via
404. evident
Meaning; marked, prominent, clear
405. decrease
Meaning; reduce, ax, cut back, lessen, abate
406. dramatic
Meaning; theatrical, stagey, stagy
407. put
Meaning; place, set, lay, put down, lay down
408. transform
Meaning; convert, turn into, turn to
409. greeting
Meaning; salutation, salute, hail, congratulation
410. impulsive
Meaning; repulsive, repellent, unattractive, impulsive
411. food poisoning
Meaning; botulism,salmonella,ptomaine poisoning
412. distal
Meaning; far
413. help
Meaning; assistant, auxiliary, helper, aide, aid
414. waiting
Meaning; cautious, prudent, wary
415. delicious
Meaning; tasty, yummy, savory, palatable, succulent
416. honest
Meaning; fair, frank, righteous, straight, straightforward
417. schedule
Meaning; program, timetable, routine
418. discrimination
Meaning; differentiation, distinction
419. no
Meaning; any, zero
420. permanent
Meaning; persistent, lasting, stable, residual, consistent
421. monogamy
Meaning; an advantage or profit gained from sth.
422. concern
Meaning; anxiety, worry, fear, fears, apprehension
423. sleep
Meaning; go to sleep, be asleep, rest, have rest, snooze
424. implement
Meaning; apply, enforce, perform, exert, carry out
425. patience
Meaning; endurance, forbearance, steadfastness
426. eager
Meaning; willing, keen, enthusiastic, ready, solicitous
427. product
Meaning; produce, crop, yield, fruit, harvest
428. technique
Meaning; technics, technic, practice
429. innovative
Meaning; modern, contemporary
430. place
Meaning; location, ground, space, spot, site
431. timid
Meaning; timid, skittish, jumpy, mousy, fearful
432. point
Meaning; dot, spot, period
433. necessary
Meaning; essential, requisite, indispensable, imperative
434. design
Meaning; project, plan, contrive, propose, purpose
435. have
Meaning; possess, own, or hold
436. annoying
Meaning; boring, tedious, bothersome, embarrassing
437. obvious
Meaning; open, outdoor, clear, light, explicit
438. broad
Meaning; common, widespread, extensive, prevalent
439. fancy
Meaning; ornate, luxuriant, florid, flowery, arrayed
440. know
Meaning; understand, savvy, wise up, be wise to
441. context
Meaning; status, case, situation
442. hostile
Meaning; dissident, opposing, oppositional, antagonistic
443. illustrate
Meaning; exemplify, sample, define
444. approach
Meaning; come near sth. in distance or time
445. view
Meaning; observe, sight, consider, see into
446. illiterate
Meaning; uneducated, uninformed, benighted
447. absolutely
Meaning; definitely, certainly, strictly
448. correct
Meaning; direct, right, accurate, true, proper
449. domestic
Meaning; local, native, indigenous, aboriginal, autochthonous
450. represent
Meaning; symbolize, exemplify, stand for, body forth
451. journey
Meaning; travel, trip, voyage, peregrination, eyre
452. scared
Meaning; frightened, afraid, terrified, awestruck
453. beginning
Meaning; starting, early, preliminary
454. nasty
Meaning; bad, poor, worse
455. review
Meaning; criticism, critique, knocking, comment
456. challenge
Meaning; a call to take part in a contest or competition
457. lonely
Meaning; alone, solo, lone, single, solitary
458. judgemental
Meaning; concerning the use of judgment
459. superficial
Meaning; surface, shallow, tangential, cosmetic
460. money
Meaning; currency, cash, funds, coin, dough
461. fear
Meaning; horror, fright, dread, awe, alarm
462. unusual
Meaning; unconventional, eccentric, off the beaten track
463. tiny
Meaning; small, diminutive, very small, smallish
464. thoughtful
Meaning; considerate, pensive, reflective
465. vast
Meaning; wide, broad, spacious
466. eventually
Meaning; finally, in the end, at last
467. characterized
Meaning; define, describe, portray
468. zenith
Meaning; peak, climax, pinnacle, summit, height
469. angry
Meaning; hot, pissed off, furious, mad
470. rise
Meaning; increase, increment, up, enhancement
471. individual
Meaning; separate, singular
472. urban
Meaning; relating to a town or city
473. respond
Meaning; answer, reply, talk back
474. secure
Meaning; provide, ensure, supply
475. worried
Meaning; concerned, anxious, apprehensive, suspenseful
476. patient
Meaning; uncomplaining, enduring, tolerant
477. memories
Meaning; remembrances, reminiscences
478. conflict
Meaning; clash, battle, skirmish, collision, disagreement
479. make sure
Meaning; be sure, know for certain, feel certain
480. basic
Meaning; fundamental, primary, underlying, principal
481. interpret
Meaning; comment, construe, decipher
482. serve
Meaning; service, render service to, hop
483. program
Meaning; schedule, timetable, routine
484. cut
Meaning; cutting, shearing, truncation
485. play
Meaning; move, hop, act, perform, play with
486. democracy
Meaning; a form of government
487. more
Meaning; a greater or additional amount or degree of
488. yes
Meaning; yea, yep
489. proficient
Meaning; enough, sufficient, adequate
490. rare
Meaning; uncommon, unusual, infrequent, scarce
491. style
Meaning; way, manner, mode, genre, fashion
492. beneficial
Meaning; helpful, useful, advantageous, good
493. education
Meaning; training, instruction, schooling, practice
494. generate
Meaning; create, form, compose, carve out, constitute
495. motivation
Meaning; reasons one has for acting in a particular way
496. hidden
Meaning; latent, secret, confidential
497. silent
Meaning; quiet, mute, muted
498. arrive
Meaning; reach, arrive at, get, make, get to
499. procedure
Meaning; operation, process, processing
500. dangerous
Meaning; hazardous, perilous, unsafe, risky
501. sharp
Meaning; keen, pungent, acute
502. circumstances
Meaning; conditions, terms, circumstances, state of affairs
503. various
Meaning; diverse, diversified, different, assorted
504. opinion
Meaning; sight, view, vision, idea, aspect
505. safe
Meaning; secure, reliable, confident, trustworthy
506. extraordinary
Meaning; exceptional, remarkable, phenomenal
507. lead
Meaning; leadership, captainship, captaincy
508. bottom
Meaning; underside, base, lower part
509. fun
Meaning; entertainment, amusement, recreation
510. abundance
Meaning; plenty, abundance, plethora
511. unique
Meaning; unparalleled, unmatched, matchless
512. behavior
Meaning; attitude, conduct, act, action, treatment
513. power
Meaning; strength, force, capacity, ability, energy
514. allow
Meaning; let, authorise, authorize, consent, empower
515. despair
Meaning; hopelessness, desperation, despondency
516. awful
Meaning; terrible, horrible, scary
517. bitter
Meaning; painful, hot, sad, brackish, harsh
518. clarity
Meaning; openness, aperture, clearance
519. conducted
Meaning; administer, direct, govern, rule, run
520. dead
Meaning; deceased, defunct, lifeless, inanimate
521. walk
Meaning; gait, hike, pace, tread
522. black
Meaning; sable, sooty, ivory-black
523. display
Meaning; screen, monitor, display unit, telescreen
524. day
Meaning; daytime, daylight
525. boost
Meaning; increase, improve, enhance
526. encounter
Meaning; match, meet, meeting
527. selfish
Meaning; egotistical, egoistic, thoughtless
528. whereas
Meaning; but, while, however
529. clumsy
Meaning; incompetent, awkward, inept, fumbling
530. violent
Meaning; severe, vigorous, intense
531. congratulations
Meaning; compliments, felicitations,
532. hyperbole
Meaning; exaggeration, trimmings, overstatement
533. empty
Meaning; blank, free, idle, leisure, null
534. in addition
Meaning; also, besides, at that, besides that
535. subordinate
Meaning; lower in rank, under, inferior, nether
536. accept
Meaning; admit, adopt, receive, acknowledge
537. crucial
Meaning; very important
538. sadist
539. hell
Meaning; inferno, blazes, Gehenna
540. loyal
Meaning; faithful, devoted, staunch
541. analyze
Meaning; examine, investigate, study, peruse
542. like
Meaning; approve, appreciate, enjoy, applaud, care
543. hot
Meaning; warm, friendly, thermal, fervent, quick
544. explain
Meaning; clarify, account, express, elucidate, account for
545. latter
Meaning; last, recent, latest, final, late
546. brave
Meaning; bold, courageous, daring, gritty, intrepid
547. application
Meaning; practice, implementation, administration
548. meeting
Meaning; conference, session, gathering, assembly
549. defendant
Meaning; accused, defendant, suspect
550. question
Meaning; inquiries, query, inquiry, interrogation
551. influence
Meaning; effect, impact, action, effectiveness, efficacy
552. part
Meaning; piece, component, fragment, portion, moiety
553. grief
Meaning; sorrow, sadness, woe, heartbreak, dreariness
554. previous
Meaning; occurring before in time or order
555. worse
Meaning; bad, poor, evil
556. will
Meaning; wish, desire, beg
557. job
Meaning; business, work, working, employment
558. brief
Meaning; short, brief, concise, curt, summary, mini
559. nocturnal
Meaning; done, occurring, or active at night
560. useful
Meaning; helpful, beneficial, advantageous, good
561. despite
Meaning; in spite of, notwithstanding
562. target
Meaning; goal, destination, aim
563. led
Meaning; drive, drive out, last
564. promote
Meaning; support, encourage, assist, underpin, bolster
565. enable
Meaning; make possible, facilitate, allow of, serve
566. in order
Meaning; in turn, one by one, by turns
567. pro
Meaning; professional
568. sir
Meaning; gentleman, sir, mister, lord, esquire
569. powerful
Meaning; powerful
570. adapt
Meaning; comply, fit, follow, comply with, match
571. it
Meaning; that, he, she
572. become
Meaning; be, have, happen
573. bright
Meaning; brilliant, shiny, glossy, shining, polished
574. good
Meaning; well, decent, fine, great, okay
575. do
Meaning; make, perform, build, have, take
576. contain
Meaning; include, implicate, imply
577. successful
Meaning; accomplishing an aim or purpose
578. consequences
Meaning; results, conclusions, outcome, consequence
579. practical
Meaning; convenient, applied, businesslike
580. authentic
Meaning; real, true, actual, genuine, exact; reliable
581. also
Meaning; too, so, withal
582. enormous
Meaning; great, large, big, major, older
583. study
Meaning; work, working, running, labor, training
584. examine
Meaning; investigate, study, analyze, view, peruse
585. sex
Meaning; sexual activity
586. reluctant
Meaning; unwilling, loath, averse, indisposed, disinclined
587. busy
Meaning; engaged, occupied, concerned, engrossed
588. perform
Meaning; make, do, build, have, take
589. tasty
Meaning; delicious, yummy, savory
590. result
Meaning; conclusion, outcome, consequence, end
591. exceptional
Meaning; extraordinary, remarkable, phenomenal
592. expensive
Meaning; pricey, costly, pricy, dear, precious
593. gratitude
Meaning; thankfulness, blessing, appreciation, indebtedness
594. giant
Meaning; huge, colossal, goliath, kingsize
595. profound
Meaning; deep, sound, abstruse
596. period
Meaning; term, semester, session
597. thanks
Meaning; thank, appreciation, acknowledgment
598. private
Meaning; special, specific, exclusive
599. careful
Meaning; attentive, cautious, scrupulous
600. sometimes
Meaning; occasionally, sometime, from time to time
601. smooth
Meaning; sleek, glabrous, glazed, glare, clean-cut
602. develop
Meaning; improve, advance, cultivate, evolve, build up
603. system
Meaning; tract, regime, framework, grid
604. humble
Meaning; modest, unobtrusive, unassuming
605. initiative
Meaning; attempt, venture, interference
606. group
Meaning; set, band, bunch, category, party
607. form
Meaning; create, compose, carve out
608. long
Meaning; extended, lengthy, prolonged
609. key
Meaning; spanner, clef, clue, cipher, clew
610. indicate
Meaning; specify, point out, define, remark
611. embrace
Meaning; hug, embracing, squeeze, hugging, cuddle
612. bring
Meaning; bring in, get, carry
613. rough
Meaning; rude, coarse, bearish, crude, vulgar
614. talkative
Meaning; chatty, talkative, communicative
615. pride
Meaning; vanity, elation, haughtiness, hauteur
616. people
Meaning; human beings, mankind, humanity, folks
617. conclusion
Meaning; result, outcome, consequence, end, effect
618. first
Meaning; initial, early, primary, original, preliminary
619. loss
Meaning; damage, harm, loss, hurt, detriment, injury
620. praise
Meaning; compliment, tribute, eulogy, commendation
621. crescendo
Meaning; accelerando
622. body
Meaning; flesh, system, form
623. behaviour
Meaning; behavior, attitude, conduct
624. really
Meaning; truly, actually, indeed, real, genuinely
625. naughty
Meaning; dirty, nasty, indecent, shameless, rude
626. clear
Meaning; easy to perceive, understand, or interpret
627. parallel
Meaning; equidistant, collateral
628. meaningful
Meaning; significant
629. pleasure
Meaning; taste, liking, delight, enjoyment, treat
630. run
Meaning; start, operate, actuate, set to work, power
631. use
Meaning; utilization, application, access, disposal
632. west
Meaning; the direction
633. include
Meaning; add, join, annex, mix, adjoin
634. humility
Meaning; modesty, humbleness, unpretentiousness
635. start
Meaning; beginning, onset, inception, origin
636. modest
Meaning; humble, unobtrusive, unassuming
637. fake
Meaning; false, counterfeit, forged, fraudulent
638. extremely happy
Meaning; delighted, merry, blissful, elated, contented
639. agree
Meaning; accept, admit, adopt, receive
640. test
Meaning; trial, quiz, experiment
641. perspective
Meaning; view, appearance, outlook
642. some
Meaning; an unspecified amount or number of
643. although
Meaning; in spite of the fact that; even though
644. protect
Meaning; maintain, preserve, keep, guard
645. surplus
Meaning; much, surplus, extra, excessive, plus
646. most
Meaning; best, the very, very
647. monitor
Meaning; follow, follow up, trace
648. finally
Meaning; eventually, at last, lastly, after all, at the end
649. horizontal
Meaning; flat, level, supine, straight, flat, plain
650. aim
Meaning; goal, purpose, objective, object, intent
651. dumb
Meaning; foolish, dumb, silly, daft, goofy
652. clean
Meaning; fresh, clear, neat, pure, tidy
653. passive
Meaning; inactive, quiescent, nonviolent
654. healthy
Meaning; sound, wholesome, healthful, well, fit
655. sink
Meaning; immerse, dip, ruin, jab, bankrupt
656. obtain
Meaning; get, acquire, make, have, win
657. partner
Meaning; associate, shareholder, mate
658. vague
Meaning; uncertain, unclear, ambiguous, indefinite, obscure
659. preceding
Meaning; previous, former, prior
660. follow
Meaning; trace, track, pursue, chase
661. match
Meaning; game, event, contest
662. amount
Meaning; quantity, number, sum, supply, deal
663. wild
Meaning; brutal, savage, ferocious, feral
664. business
Meaning; job, work, working, employment, task
665. on the other hand
Meaning; conversely, moreover, otherwise
666. request
Meaning; want, ask, ask for, require, wish
667. fight
Meaning; quarrel, row, brawl, feud
668. moreover
Meaning; over and above, even, also
669. truly
Meaning; really, actually, indeed
670. practice
Meaning; application, implementation, administration
671. was
Meaning; first and third person singular past of be
672. ancestor
Meaning; father, predecessor, forerunner, progenitor
673. assume
Meaning; accept, bear, stand
674. enhance
Meaning; increase, improve, boost, raise, bid up
675. beautiful soul
Meaning; nice soul, good soul
676. repeat
Meaning; repetition, recurrence, reiteration
677. harmful
Meaning; detrimental, harmful, deleterious, noxious
678. oral
Meaning; by word of mouth, verbal
679. immediately
Meaning; now, right away, directly, soon, instantly
680. research
Meaning; study, search, investigation
681. opportunity
Meaning; chance, luck, shot, fortune, good luck
682. alternative
Meaning; available as another possibility
683. insight
Meaning; clutch, grip, understanding, grasp
684. active
Meaning; operative, energetic, busy
685. extra
Meaning; additional, supernumerary, supplementary
686. inform
Meaning; report, notice, notify, declare, tell
687. luxury
Meaning; lux, sumptuousness, grandeur, costliness
688. want
Meaning; request, ask, ask for, require, wish
689. high
Meaning; loud, elevated, tall, superior, lofty
690. smile
Meaning; laugh, laugh at
691. substantial
Meaning; important, significant, major
692. right
Meaning; direct, correct, accurate, true, proper
693. very
Meaning; much, many, numerous, plenty, good
694. statement
Meaning; explanation, comment, account
695. hard working
Meaning; diligent, industrious, studious, energetic
696. physical
Meaning; bodily, somatic, corporal
697. pleasant
Meaning; nice, lovely, pretty, delightful, pleasing
698. miracle
Meaning; marvel, wonder, prodigy
699. linear
Meaning; extending along a straight
700. dark
Meaning; obscure, murky, shadowy, gloomy
701. careless
Meaning; inattentive, remiss, unwary, listless
702. exhausted
Meaning; tired, worn, weary
703. activities
Meaning; business, action, service, doing, bustle
704. wide
Meaning; broad, spacious, large, extensive
705. chill
Meaning; cold, cool, chilly
706. discover
Meaning; explore, find, cipher out, descry, detect
707. you
708. abstract
Meaning; intangible, discrete, notional
709. commence
Meaning; start, begin, launch, get going
710. several
Meaning; a few
711. limited
Meaning; restricted, finite, narrow, scarce, scant
712. stubborn
Meaning; persistent, intractable, tenacious, recalcitrant
713. relevant
Meaning; appropriate, suitable, convenient
714. supportive
Meaning; encouraging, caring, sympathetic
715. brain
Meaning; brains, cerebrum, mastermind
716. bride
Meaning; daughter-in-law
717. said
Meaning; past participle of say
718. begin
Meaning; start, commence
719. sneaky
Meaning; insidious, sly, sneaking
720. buy
Meaning; purchase, get, invest in, buy in
721. attributes
Meaning; features, properties, characteristics
722. passionate
Meaning; ambitious, sultry, hellbent, warm-blooded
723. party
Meaning; bash, shipment, shindig, parcel, hand
724. open
Meaning; outdoor, clear, obvious, light, explicit
725. fabulous
Meaning; wonderful, fantastic, cool
726. explore
Meaning; discover, find, cipher out, descry, detect
727. majority
Meaning; plurality, bulk, preponderance
728. passion
Meaning; ambition, desire, penchant, crush, bug
729. conceal
Meaning; hide, cover up, secrete
730. obedient
Meaning; submissive, obedient, compliant, observant
731. remove
Meaning; lift, hoist, heave, abolish, arouse
732. book
Meaning; writing, notebook, registry
733. delay
Meaning; postpone, adjourn, hold up, impede
734. ask
Meaning; inquire, ask about, pose, demand, query
735. ideal
Meaning; optimal, optimum, pattern, soaring
736. critical
Meaning; crucial, climacteric, tight, supreme
737. familiar
Meaning; known, common, proverbial, given
738. messy
Meaning; scattered, diffuse, dispersed, disorganized
739. customer
Meaning; client, shopper, purchaser
740. separate
Meaning; allocate, partition, sunder
741. reflect
Meaning; mirror, externalize, picture, project
742. depression
Meaning; collapse, breakdown, sag
743. fascism
744. nervous
Meaning; tending to be anxious
745. strange
Meaning; odd, awkward, bizarre, funny, curious
746. weak
Meaning; poor, low, faint, thin, lean
747. manage
Meaning; work, run, exploit, operate, control
748. consistent
Meaning; stable, steady, strong
749. shallow
Meaning; fordable, shoaly
750. insane
Meaning; crazy, mad, distracted
751. boon
Meaning; blessing, benefaction, grace
752. service
Meaning; duty, employment, ministry, labor, ministration
753. lost
Meaning; missing, gone
754. mistake
Meaning; error, fault, wrong, trip, flaw
755. same
Meaning; in rem, identical, equal, one, uniform
756. freedom
Meaning; liberty, independence, latitude
757. witch
Meaning; hag, bitch, ghoul, hellcat, gorgon
758. achieve
Meaning; reach, arrive, attain, hit, get at
759. misogyny
Meaning; ingrained prejudice against women
760. fix
Meaning; adjust, set aright, improve, tidy up
761. travel
Meaning; trip, journey, voyage, peregrination, eyre
762. cheap
Meaning; inexpensive, low, dime, giveaway
763. super
Meaning; topping, classy, some
764. minimalist
Meaning; advocates minimalism in art or music
765. forget
Meaning; be unmindful of, neglect, leave out
766. food
Meaning; nutrition, nutrient, diet, nourishment
767. results
768. opposed
Meaning; counter, opposing, facing, opponent
769. materialistic
Meaning; material, tangible, physical, pecuniary, corporeal
770. see
Meaning; view, observe, sight, consider, see into
771. over
Meaning; finished
772. overall
Meaning; all, entire, whole, total, undivided
773. define
Meaning; describe, portray, characterize, be descriptive of
774. gain
Meaning; winnings, earnings, income, profit, benefit
775. summary
Meaning; abstract, brief, digest
776. incredible
Meaning; unbelievable, fantastic, fabulous, implausible
777. stuck
Meaning; past tense of stick
778. back
Meaning; rear, backward, reverse, reversing
779. ancient
Meaning; old, used, former, past, ex
780. effect
Meaning; impact, influence, action, effectiveness
781. range
Meaning; sequence, series, set, string, row
782. control
Meaning; check, inspection, examination, supervision
783. priority
Meaning; precedence, primacy, preference
784. engage
Meaning; keep, hold, grip, retain, keep in
785. ignorant
Meaning; illiterate, uneducated, uninformed, benighted
786. by
Meaning; according to; with
787. accomplish
Meaning; succeed, overcome, get through, win through
788. angel
Meaning; cherub, goody-goody, sponsor
789. gay
Meaning; homophile, lesbian, queer
790. relax
Meaning; take a rest, rest, sit back, lie back
791. casual
Meaning; everyday, daily, casual, quotidian, per diem
792. stupid
Meaning; foolish, dumb, silly, daft, goofy
793. community
Meaning; group, society, ensemble, crowd, gathering
794. credible
Meaning; reliable, tried, trustworthy, dependable
795. blessing
Meaning; boon, benefaction
796. detailed
Meaning; exhaustive, itemized, particular
797. generous
Meaning; bountiful, profuse, liberal, handsome
798. please
Meaning; satisfy, make happy, gladden
799. think
Meaning; consider, imagine, contemplate, reflect
800. treatment
Meaning; therapy, cure, remedy
801. big
Meaning; great, large, major, older, grand
802. thin
Meaning; fine, slim, subtle, slender, delicate
803. quality
Meaning; grade, class, standard, chop, water
804. blessed
Meaning; holy, sacred, venerable, saintlike
805. risk
Meaning; venture, hazard, chance, jeopardy
806. made
Meaning; done, accomplished
807. judgement
Meaning; decision, judgment, decree
808. evidence
Meaning; demonstration, argument, confirmation, case
809. potential
Meaning; having the capacity to become sthin the future
810. won
Meaning; past form of win
811. promise
Meaning; make a promise, assure, guarantee, commit
812. thrive
Meaning; develop, improve, evolve, grow, flourish
813. crowded
Meaning; populous, congested, multitudinous, thronged
814. improve
Meaning; develop, advance, cultivate, evolve, build up
815. ridiculous
Meaning; laughable, ludicrous, funny, humorous
816. elegant
Meaning; gracious, graceful, stylish, neat, dainty
817. ability
Meaning; capability, talent, skill, capacity, flair
818. friend
Meaning; companion, mate, fellow, buddy, pal
819. purpose
Meaning; goal, aim, objective, object, intent
820. expert
Meaning; professional, proficient, regular
821. comfortable
Meaning; comfy, easy, leisure, snug, undisturbed
822. poor
Meaning; bad, worse, evil, ill, nasty
823. blue
Meaning; a color
824. boss
Meaning; patron, employer, magnate, pattern, guv
825. horse
Meaning; an animal
826. god
Meaning; deity, divinity, idol
827. another
Meaning; different, alternative, distinct
828. due to
Meaning; for, because of, owing to
829. personality
Meaning; seater, character, identity
830. prevent
Meaning; prohibit, intercept, avert, avoid
831. choose
Meaning; select, elect, perceive
832. speed
Meaning; accelerate, speed up, expedite
833. copy
Meaning; reproduce, crib, transcribe
834. building
Meaning; structure
835. history
Meaning; date, annals, past
836. instead
Meaning; as an alternative or substitute
837. assertive
Meaning; pretentious, assertive, artsy, disputed, arty
838. acute
Meaning; narrow, tight, constricted, strait, parochial
839. factors
Meaning; elements, agent
840. imagine
Meaning; think, think of, consider
841. proper
Meaning; appropriate, suitable, convenient
842. culture
Meaning; ethos, civilization
843. strive
Meaning; struggle, scramble, endeavour, endeavor
844. sub
Meaning; under, below, beneath, underneath, sub
845. uncomfortable
Meaning; disturbed, troubled, uneasy, sick, ill
846. crazy
Meaning; mad, insane, distracted, lunatic, mad about
847. plan
Meaning; scheme, layout, plot, program, design
848. manipulate
Meaning; manage, administrate, handle, control
849. handsome
Meaning; personable, smart, comely, shapely, sightly
850. encourage
Meaning; stimulate, incite, urge, set on, ginger up
851. sophisticated
Meaning; advanced, developed, improved
852. in conclusion
Meaning; result, outcome, consequence, end
853. data
Meaning; datum, throughput, information
854. reason
Meaning; cause, rise, motive, ground, case
855. capacity
Meaning; capability, volume, bulk
856. persistent
Meaning; permanent, lasting, stable
857. conversation
Meaning; talk, speech, speaking
858. struggle
Meaning; fight, battle, fighting, combat
859. sexy
Meaning; attractive, appealing, charming, captivating
860. jealousy
Meaning; envy, jaundice
861. complicated
Meaning; complex, sophisticated
862. element
Meaning; staff member, personnel, component
863. apply
Meaning; implement, enforce, perform, exert
864. full
Meaning; complete, exact, whole, just, precise
865. identity
Meaning; identification, certificate, identicalness
866. ordinary
Meaning; common, casual, nondescript, commonplace
867. receive
Meaning; get, take, buy, pick up, take on
868. recommend
Meaning; propose, suggest, commit
869. outstanding
Meaning; exclusive, outstanding, select, selected, eminent
870. value
Meaning; worth, price, amount, rate, valuation
871. gloomy
Meaning; dreary, dismal, bleak, somber, sombre
872. major
Meaning; great, large, big, older, grand
873. boyfriend
Meaning; partner, lover, young man
874. quiet
Meaning; silent, mute, muted, noiseless, soundless
875. significant
Meaning; important, major, substantial, considerable
876. boring
Meaning; tedious, dusty, dull, drab, oppressive
877. compassion
Meaning; pity, mercy, grace, charity, clemency
878. precious
Meaning; valuable, valued, worthy, dear, estimable
879. update
Meaning; modernize, update, rearm
880. intelligent
Meaning; smart, clever, cute, wise, astute
881. elite
Meaning; notables, cream of society, the great
882. courage
Meaning; bravery, guts, daring, prowess, spunk
883. prepare
Meaning; equip, make ready, arrange, coach, concoct
884. past
Meaning; previous, gone, bygone
885. suffering
Meaning; pain, hurt, grief, sorrow, sting
886. coward
Meaning; funky, fearful, cowardly, timid, dastardly
887. success
Meaning; achievement, performance, accomplishment
888. got
Meaning; past form of get
889. evil
Meaning; bad, poor, worse, ill, nasty
890. compromise
Meaning; reconciliation, agreement, settlement
891. deficit
Meaning; shortage, shortfall, deficiency
892. observe
Meaning; watch, sight, spy, spy out, monitor
893. reveal
Meaning; disclose, spill, divulge, lay bare, betray
894. role
Meaning; part, act
895. acquire
Meaning; win, earn, gain
896. forever
Meaning; eternally, to all eternity, everlastingly
897. willing
Meaning; eager, keen, enthusiastic
898. dawn
Meaning; aurora, daylight, first light, sunglow, twillight
899. impossible
Meaning; unfeasible, unthinkable, absurd
900. huge
Meaning; giant, colossal, goliath, kingsize
901. regarding
Meaning; concerning, respecting
902. inverse
Meaning; reverse, opposite, adverse, contrary, inverted
903. nature
Meaning; phenomena of the physical world collectively
904. vital
Meaning; absolutely necessary or important
905. lateral
Meaning; side, ancillary, of, at, toward
906. teach
Meaning; instruct, show, enlighten, indoctrinate
907. atheist
Meaning; disbeliever
908. energy
Meaning; power, vigor, drive, steam, pep
909. assess
Meaning; determine, define, specify
910. harmony
Meaning; conformity, accordance, consistency, coherence
911. time
Meaning; when, while, tense, day, date
912. reality
Meaning; truth, authenticity, actuality, genuineness
913. regardless
Meaning; in any case, in any event, at any rate
914. with
Meaning; by, on, together with, cum, withal
915. ways
Meaning; way, roads, paths
916. girl
Meaning; daughter, female, chick
917. skills
Meaning; abilities, dexterity, ingenuity, craft, knack
918. special
Meaning; private, specific, exclusive, particular, personal
919. very good
Meaning; great, jolly good, hell of
920. fascinating
Meaning; charming, enchanting, captivating
921. less
Meaning; lesser, smaller, minus
922. collaboration
Meaning; cooperation, association, league, cahoot
923. opposite
Meaning; against
924. heart
Meaning; soul, feelings, breast
925. confirm
Meaning; approve, ratify, endorse, authorise
926. push
Meaning; thrust, pushing, repulsion
927. jealous
Meaning; envious, grudging, jaundiced, yellow
928. unknown
Meaning; obscure, strange, mysterious
929. new
Meaning; recent, novel, fresh, renewed, young
930. independent
Meaning; free, sovereign, detached, uncommitted
931. sour
Meaning; tart, acid, sourish, hard, sharp
932. ugly
Meaning; homely, unattractive, unsightly
933. asleep
Meaning; sleeping, dormant, asleep, slumberous
934. work
Meaning; study, working, running, labor, training
935. thus
Meaning; so, in this way, thence
936. tame
Meaning; domesticate, housebreak, reclaim
937. failure
Meaning; setback, collapse, defeat, unsuccess
938. disaster
Meaning; catastrophe, calamity, stunner
939. participate
Meaning; join, participate, attend, take part, join in
940. lady
Meaning; woman, miss, madam, madame, mistress
941. attractive
Meaning; appealing, charming, captivating, taking
942. dense
Meaning; intensive, intense, busy
943. because
Meaning; for, inasmuch as, forwhy
944. simple
Meaning; basic, easy, straightforward, simplistic
945. doubt
Meaning; suspicion, question, uncertainty
946. responsible
Meaning; liable, in charge of, accountable, managing
947. contract
Meaning; agreement, articles, charter, covenant, pact
948. person
Meaning; individual, self, persona, soul, cad
949. benign
Meaning; of good character, spleenless, in fine feather
950. close
Meaning; shut down, shut, cover, switch off, buy up
951. while
Meaning; a period of time
952. tough
Meaning; hard, rigid, harsh, stiff, solid
953. option
Meaning; choice, selection, alternative
954. diverse
Meaning; various, different, assorted, varied
955. advanced
Meaning; developed, improved, sophisticated
956. low
Meaning; nominal, subdued, fallen, falling
957. reduce
Meaning; decrease, ax, cut back, lessen, abate
958. focus
Meaning; center, centre
959. feeling
Meaning; sense, emotion, feel, sentiment, sensation
960. idle
Meaning; blank, empty, free, leisure, null
961. me
Meaning; used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself
962. lend
Meaning; give, grant, yield, serve, deliver
963. optimistic
Meaning; sanguine, hopeful, roseate
964. come
Meaning; get, arrive, come up to, stem
965. express
Meaning; state, word, mean, give voice to
966. in
Meaning; within, inside, among, amongst
967. hence
Meaning; therefore, hereby, on account of this
968. determined
Meaning; decided, stable, decisive, resolute, firm
969. change
Meaning; modify, replace, alter, switch, vary
970. genuine
Meaning; real, true, actual, authentic, exact
971. cruel
Meaning; brutal, tyrannical, oppressive
972. dull
Meaning; opaque, dim, cold, matt, glassy
973. overcome
Meaning; accomplish, tide over, come through, cope
974. definitely
Meaning; absolutely, certainly, strictly, sure, precisely
975. leave
Meaning; quit, release, drop, let, stop
976. favourite
Meaning; favorite, sideburns, whiskers
977. subject
Meaning; exposed, submitted, subject to
978. war
Meaning; fighting, wartime
979. talk
Meaning; speak, talk to, speak to, discourse
980. crying
Meaning; weeping, wailing, lachrymose
981. worst
Meaning; most serious or unpleasant thing
982. inverse relationship
983. proactive
984. best friend
Meaning; person’s closest friend
985. demonstrate
Meaning; show, indicate, display, represent, show off
986. presence
Meaning; asset, entity, existence
987. far
Meaning; remote, distant, off, faraway, outlying
988. excessive
Meaning; extreme, ultra, high
989. cause
Meaning; reason, rise, motive, ground, case
990. touch
Meaning; contact, communication, feel
991. sound
Meaning; audio, vocal, acoustic
992. cold
Meaning; cool, chilly, chill, frosty, frigid
993. take
Meaning; get, receive, buy, pick up, take on
994. penis
Meaning; dick, cock, phallus, pecker, prick
995. student
Meaning; pupil, disciple, schoolgirl
996. outgoing
Meaning; friendly and socially confident
997. okay
Meaning; confirmation, approval
998. fit
Meaning; appropriate, suitable, convenient
999. writing
Meaning; clerical, scriptural, article
1000. apathy
Meaning; indifference, neglect, listlessness, insouciance
What is Compound Declarative Sentence? Expression and Declarative Sentences Examples