Homophone Word List Starting With C

Homophone Word List Starting With C

There are words in English that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. These words are called “Homophones”. It is easier to spot in a post. The homophone word used in the conversation can instantly confuse and ponder the meaning of the sentence. Since knowing Homophone words increases vocabulary knowledge, it improves speaking and writing skills. Words written in English are not always read in the same way. The pronunciation of the word is not as it is written. For this reason, homophone words may emerge.

cache – cash

caddie – caddy

cain – cane

calendar – calender

callous – callus

canapé – canopy

cane – cain

cannon – canon

canopy – canapé

canter – cantor

canvas – canvass

capital – capitol

carat – carrot – caret – karat

carol – carrel

carrot – caret – karat – carat

cash – cache

cast – caste

caster – castor

cause – caws

cedar – seeder

cede – seed

ceiling – sealing

cell – sell

cellar – seller

censor – sensor

cent – scent – sent

cents – scents – sense

cereal – serial

ceres – series

cession – session

chance – chants

chased – chaste

chauffeur – shofar

cheap – cheep

check – czech

cheep – cheap

chews – choose

chic – sheik

chile – chilly – chili

choir – quire

choose – chews

choral – coral

chord – cord – cored

chute – shoot

cite – sight – site

cited – sided – sighted

clack – claque

clamber – clammer – clamor

claque – clack

clause – claws

clew – clue

click – clique

climb – clime

clique – click

close – clothes – cloze

clue – clew

coal – cole

coarse – course

coarser – courser

coat – cote

coax – cokes

coffers – coughers

cokes – coax

cole – coal

collard – collared

colonel – kernel

complacent – complaisant

complement – compliment

complementary –


conceded – conceited

confirmation –


consonance – consonants

continence – continents

coo – coup

coolie – coulee

coop – coupe

cops – copse

coral – choral

cord – cored – chord

core – corps

cored – chord – cord

corps – core

correspondence – correspondents

cote – coat

coughers – coffers

coulee – coolie

council – counsel

coup – coo

coupe – coop

course – coarse

courser – coarser

cousin – cozen

coward – cowered

coy – koi

cozen – cousin

craft – kraft

crape – crepe

crawl – kraal

creak – creek

crepe – crape

crewel – cruel

crews – cruise

cruel – crewel

cruise – crews

cue – queue

currant – current

curser – cursor

cygnet – signet

cymbal – symbol

cypress – cyprus

czech – check