30 Preposition List, Preposition Words List

30 Preposition List, Preposition Words List

107 Preposition List, List of Common Prepositions

  1. close to
  2. circa
  3. with
  4. across
  5. excluding
  6. among
  7. in lieu of
  8. upon
  9. away
  10. about
  11. towards
  12. minus
  13. in
  14. instead of
  15. beneath
  1. worth
  2. till
  3. underneath
  4. due to
  5. amidst
  6. as well as
  7. on to
  8. per
  9. following
  10. in addition to
  11. against
  12. as far as
  13. along
  14. inside
  15. ahead of