Sentences With

Sentences with Among, In a sentence Among

Sentences with Among, In a sentence Among

Word; Among

Meaning; between, amongst, amid

Example sentences with Among;

  • The largest whales among the whales are blue whales.
  • She stood among the boys.
  • He got up from among the students and left.
  • The fastest among the competitors will win the race.

Synonym for Among

  • between
  • amongst
  • amid
  • amidst
  • betwixt
  • in
  • within
  • inside
  • sub

What is English Sentence?

Making sentences is the main aid of communication. Sentences indicate previous events or situations, continuous events and situations, instantaneous events and situations, and future events and situations. Sentences that are part of daily life contain subject and predicate. In addition, sentence elements such as an adjective, indirect compliment, and adverb can also be included. Different from this situation, sentences are named in 4 different ways in English. The names of this distinction are made as to the declarative sentence (statement), interrogative sentence (question), imperative sentence (command), exclamative sentence (exclamation).


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